Agricultural field.

Concentration in International Agriculture

Huntington University offers an MBA with a concentration in International Agriculture. This track prepares students for employment and leadership opportunities in the international agricultural sector. Students will explore international agricultural systems, global poverty issues and alleviation strategies, and agricultural training and development processes and gain familiarity with international agricultural companies and organizations.

HU professor, Jessica Graves. HU professor, Jessica Graves.
Course Credit

Courses in International Agriculture

All concentrations consist of the “MBA Core,” which includes eight courses totaling 24 credit hours such as Leading Leaders, Building Healthy Culture and Performance, and Business Research Methods. Each concentration contains four additional specialized courses totaling 12 credit hours, for a total of a 36-credit hour MBA.
IA 504 - Wholeness, Global Poverty, and Alleviation Strategies (3 credits)

This course will explore various forms of poverty, including spiritual poverty, and their impacts on the global community. The course examines God's design for humans to be relational beings (that is, a relationship with God, self, others, and creation) and how spiritual poverty impacts other aspects of poverty. Students will learn about global poverty through the lens of wholeness and the role of Christian ministry work in global poverty alleviation. 

IA 500 - International Agricultural Systems (3 credits)

This course provides an introduction to world agriculture, farming systems and technologies, crops, trade, and food production and processing. The influence of population and climate on global agriculture and ethical issues surrounding agriculture's environmental, social, political, and financial aspects are examined.

IA 502 - International Agricultural Education (3 credits)

This course examines formal and non-formal agricultural education and related processes that influence global agricultural development including impacts of culture and changing demographics. Analysis of current global agricultural issues, international organizations' roles, and technology transfer effectiveness are also explored.

IA 506 - Christ-centered Agricultural Development (3 credits)

This course aims to provide students with guidance and encouragement to utilize their technical knowledge and skills for Christ-centered agricultural development work. Students (either independently or collaboratively) will identify a global challenge for which they will develop a Christ-centric solution. This course will simulate a "real world" experience where students may collaborate with individuals, businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), churches, etc. to develop a proposed solution to the challenge identified. The goal is to provide students with an opportunity to "put it all together" - meaning their chosen area of study/discipline with their faith to serve the spiritual and physical needs of the global community. 

Interested in learning more?

If you have any questions, please contact or (800) 600-4888.

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