
Spiritual Life, Student Life

How to Sign Up as a Chapel Speaker

One of my favorite types of chapel services is when there is a student speaker. Whether the story they share is for the entire chapel or just a few minutes long, they always leave an impression on me. That made me wonder how Huntington University students applied to speak in chapel. I may have just been out of the loop or this information is not widely known to most students. So, I reached out to the Center for Spiritual Formation to learn about the process for students to speak in chapel.
Student Life

Living in Livingston

As a student, I lived in Baker Hall and currently live in Roush Hall, but Livingston Hall was the first dorm I had a room. It was for a five-day summer camp right before my freshman year. I wanted to be in a dorm closer to the Quad and mailroom when I became an actual student, but Livingston has plenty to offer.
Student Life

Starting a Club

God made us social creatures, and some of us have a hobby or passion that we would love to share with others and have others share with us. The problem is, it may be hard to find people with similar interests. However, if you’re passionate about doing something in a community, nothing is stopping you from creating a club. Well, starting a club still comes with work and hurdles, but if you are willing to put in the work, here are some things to consider.
Student Success, Student Life

Enjoying the Sprint to Christmas

We are into December, and with that comes the annual sprint to Christmas. It can be easy to get swept up in the relentless holiday tidal wave, but finding ways to turn the sprint into more of a brisk — figuratively and literally — walk will allow you to enjoy what many call the most magical time of the year.
Student Life

Take It from Me, Roush Third is Pretty Great

Are you a female student trying to decide which residence hall you want to move into next year? Well, as a resident of Roush third, I can give you my completely unbiased opinion about why the third floor of Roush Hall is the best.
Career Opportunities, Student Success

Work Is Its Own Teacher

Look for an on-campus job. I do not suggest this just for the money but for the application of professional skills in a student-friendly environment. Any job will involve some professional skills, but a job on campus makes for a good transition to a setting where such skills are more deliberately applied.
Spiritual Life, Student Life

You Are God’s Masterpiece

The Center for Spiritual Formation has done a great job of introducing the chapel theme — Imago Dei — and the verse of the year — “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10) — and expanding upon them through chapel and other programming.
Career Opportunities, Student Success

Art of the Application

Resumés are all about promoting your experience and knowledge, but it is worthwhile to put some attention into its visual design. Your content’s formatting can make it easy to read and leave an impression on the reader. You should grab potential employers’ attention as fast as possible while maintaining professionalism.
Student Life

5 Fun Brain Breaks

Hopefully these brain breaks help your brain chill out and recharge. After you play a game or two, get back to studying!
Spiritual Life

Going Church Shopping

The process of finding a church home looks different for everyone. If you are from the area, you might simply continue attending the church you have attended growing up, but if you are not from the area, you will find yourself church shopping. Church shopping can be intimidating, but once you find your church home, it is very rewarding.