Admission Requirements

Renew your license or earn a high-quality master's degree for much less than you'd pay at some other universities. The tuition for the Master of Education Program is comparable to or lower than other graduate programs in the area.

Courses are open to any currently licensed classroom teacher or administrator. The program is designed so that qualified candidates may enroll for any classes being offered, except the Field Based Research Project, prior to formal application for admission to the M.Ed. program.

To be considered for admission to Huntington University’s Master of Education program (M.Ed.), you must supply the following information. Once this information is received, the admissions committee will review your application and process you towards acceptance.

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's Degree in education from a regionally accredited college/university 
  • (Degree in education not required for TESOL/EL candidates.)
  • Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Copy of current teaching license (not required for TESOL/EL candidates, TESOL/EL candidates should instead include a 2-3 page Letter of Purpose explaining his/her intent to use this degree)
  • Recommendations (2) from a teaching colleague; a school, district, or corporation administrator; or college/university faculty members

Sending Information

Please submit your admissions materials to us one of the following ways:

Huntington University Graduate Programs
2303 College Avenue
Huntington, IN 46750


If you have any questions, please email or call 800-600-4888.