How to Sign Up as a Chapel Speaker
One of my favorite types of chapel services is when there is a student speaker. Whether the story they share is for the entire chapel or just a few minutes long, they always leave an impression on me. That made me wonder how Huntington University students applied to speak in chapel. I may have just been out of the loop or this information is not widely known to most students. So, I reached out to the Center for Spiritual Formation to learn about the process for students to speak in chapel.
They way it was explained to me was anyone can email the Campus Pastor, Mark Vincenti, or the Associate Campus Pastor, Karyn Kamphausen, or simply stop into their office. Students can talk to them about a matter they prefer to keep private or would not mind telling others. That student can ask to speak in chapel or one of the pastors may ask if that student is comfortable with sharing their story. If both sides are on board, the student proceeds to prepare their speech. They write out their story, send the script to Kamphausen, and discuss potential edits to the script. Once all of that is done, the student will practice their speech, often in an empty Zurcher Auditorium to get used to being on stage, then schedule a day to speak. You will find the Center for Spiritual Formation office under Livingston Hall, immediately left of the entrance. They are more than happy to listen to your story, so do not be afraid to stop in.
During our meeting, Pastor Kamphausen emphasized she is especially looking for stories that illustrate who God is and what He is doing in the speaker’s life. This includes stories that tie back to this year’s chapel theme — Imago Dei — connecting to the verse, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago,” (Ephesians 2:10). Remember, there is no pressure to speak in front of a crowd.
If you would like to contact Mark Vincenti or Karyn Kamphausen, their information is available at I’ll see you next chapel!