
Category: Occupational Therapy

Alumni, Graduate Programs, Occupational Therapy

Meet Alexandria Froehlke

Words like “community” and “highly qualified” may describe HU’s doctoral program, but they also perfectly describe one of the program’s graduates: Alexandria Froehlke. A graduate of both the OTA and OTD programs in 2021 and 2024, respectively, she is the definition of the Forester traits of caring completely and embracing interconnectedness.
Majors/Programs, Occupational Therapy, Student Life

Interested in OTA? Try SOTA!

SOTA is a student-led club that is for all OTA students. The chapter at HU focuses on forming relationships amongst OTA students and serving the Huntington area through volunteering. Volunteering is crucial for HU’s OTA program, allowing them to envision what their future career might look like.
Career Opportunities, Health & Medical Sciences , Occupational Therapy

Gratitude for the Healers

Occupational therapy practitioners do more than just fix problems. They help their clients minimize and prevent health problems in the long term.
Career Opportunities, Health & Medical Sciences , Occupational Therapy

What Is Occupational Therapy?

We typically don’t think about our daily occupations until we have trouble doing them or can no longer do them at all. Occupational therapy addresses what is important to you and your goals throughout the rehabilitation process. It’s not about what the therapist feels is important for you to be able to do; it is all about what you want to achieve.
Career Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Occupational Therapy

Unlocking Your Potential: 5 Reasons to Pursue a Doctor of Occupational Therapy Degree

In the field of occupational therapy, the decision to further your education and pursue an advanced degree is a significant one. While a master's degree has long been the standard for occupational therapists, there is a growing trend towards pursuing a Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) degree.
Career Opportunities, Occupational Therapy

Your OTA Questions Answered

Whether you are interested in the occupational therapy field as a client or as a future practitioner, occupational therapy assistants (OTAs) have the potential to add significant value to your everyday life. Read on to learn more about occupational therapy and the OTA profession.
Career Opportunities, Occupational Therapy

What Can You Do with a Degree in OT?

The better question is…what can’t you do? Let’s talk about all the amazing areas you can work in and cool things you can do with a degree in occupational therapy.
Career Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Health & Medical Sciences , Occupational Therapy

Experts + Experience = Exceptional Education

Learning to become an occupational therapy practitioner is a process, and experts and experience are your best guides in the process. A Doctoral Program in Occupational Therapy (OTD program) is ready to prepare you for a rewarding occupational therapy (OT) career.
Alumni, Career Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Occupational Therapy, Student Success

Returning Home to Lay the Groundwork for a Dementia Friendly Community

Recently, an occupational therapy doctoral student lived her dream to return to her home community and give back to those who provided her with support. Her goal was to lay the foundation for an inclusive community for individuals with dementia and their caregivers. Abigail Saxman Muhlenkamp worked for fourteen weeks to successfully complete educational requirements for her doctoral capstone.
Career Opportunities, Engineering & Technology, Occupational Therapy

Building Upon a Creative Foundation: Occupational Therapy and 3D Printing

There are many distinctive and impactful possibilities an occupational therapy practitioner (OT) or OT student might consider for 3D printing projects. Whether in a clinical or academic setting, groundbreaking designs and modifications can benefit the clients we serve while cutting costs of expensive devices or medical equipment. Occupational therapy academic programs may consider a unique collaborative opportunity with clinical site partners to provide various types of adaptive equipment occupational therapists can supply to their clients.