
Courses in Art and Design

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AR 101 Drawing for Non-Majors
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

This course is designed for students with little or no drawing experience to enhance their drawing technique and problem-solving skills. Instruction includes in-class studio drawing and out-of-class drawing exercises. Both observational and inventive approaches to drawing are covered.
Intended for non-art majors. Does not count in the major.

AR 107 Photography for Non-Majors
(3 credits - Spring Odd Years)

An introduction to digital photography as an art form. This course focuses on the foundational elements of the visual arts as they apply to photographic composition. Basic camera handling, appropriate lighting and technical information are explored as well as a broad range of aesthetic concerns in photography. Processing and printing are at student expense.
Intended for non-art majors. Does not count in the major.

AR 111 Drawing I
(3 credits - Fall)

An introduction to the studio experience of drawing from observation. This course will focus on the foundational elements and principles of art as they apply to drawing concepts and the effective use of pictorial composition. A variety of basic drawing media will be explored. An emphasis will be placed on building the students' perceptual and technical abilities along with the development of aesthetic ideas.
Prerequisite: Art major or minor or animation major

AR 115 Introduction to Art
(2 credits - Fall, Spring)

This course is an introduction to the visual arts by bringing together art theory, practice and history. A Chicago field trip is required.

AR 141 Basic 2D Design
(3 credits - Fall)

Theory and application of the compositional elements and principles of two-dimensional design. A variety of media and techniques will be explored through creative problem-solving in the form of compositional projects.

AR 142 Basic 3D Design
(3 credits - Spring)

Theory and application of elements and principles of three-dimensional design. A variety of media and techniques will be explored through creative problem-solving in the form of model-scale sculptural projects.

AR 211 Drawing II
(3 credits - Spring)

Continuation of perceptual and technical discipline of drawing, with an additional emphasis on pictorial composition, thematic and conceptual development. A variety of media and artistic treatments of form will be explored. Contemporary art forms and current aesthetic issues will also be introduced.
Prerequisite: AR 111

AR 212 Foundations of Art Education
(3 credits - Fall Even Years)

An introduction to art education as a profession, this course will investigate issues, philosophies, concepts, personalities, and content of teaching contemporary visual arts for P-12 art education and related settings.

AR 225 Painting I
(3 credits - Fall Odd Years)

An introduction to acrylic painting techniques and media and to problems of color, form and composition in representational art. Subjects are drawn from life, still life, landscape, and memory. Emphasis is placed on the development of perceptual and technical abilities along with the growth of aesthetic sensibilities in order to prepare a solid foundation for advanced studio studies.
Prerequisite: AR 111

AR 241I Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud: Illustrator
(1 credit - Fall)

A seven-week course designed to introduce the student to Illustrator based drawing on the Macintosh workstation. Basic scanning and digital image input will be covered. Students will design a variety of vector based graphics used in symbol and logo design for print and online formats trending in contemporary graphic design.

AR 241ID Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud: InDesign
(1 credit - Fall)

A semester-long course designed to introduce the student to the tools and capabilities of contemporary publication design software on the Macintosh workstation. CMYK printing will be explained and connected to the process of building a document destined for printing versus digital publication. Basics of typography will be introduced along with approaches to book, brochure and poster layout.

AR 241P Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop
(1 credit - Fall)

A seven-week course designed to introduce the student to Photoshop image creation and editing tools on the Macintosh workstation. Basic scanning and digital image input will be covered. Students will design a variety of raster based imagery using photo manipulation for print and online formats trending in contemporary graphic design.

AR 265 Digital Photography I
(3 credits - Fall Even Years)

This course introduces the principles of digital photography as a creative art form. Instruction will focus on learning the use of contemporary digital software for workflow management and image enhancement. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop will be the "digital darkroom" students will learn to use. Sophisticated camera handling, photocomposition and concept development will be emphasized. Digital printing and web preparation of photo images will be explored. Students are required to provide their own digital camera.
See the department website for required camera specifications.
Prerequisites: AR 241P or DM 155 or DM 150; art and design major or minor or digital media arts major

AR 271 Visual Communication and Graphics
(3 credits - Fall Odd Years)

This course addresses advanced forms of layout used to design print media. Deeper examinations of layout, typography and graphics will increase the students' ability to manage and produce large, complex projects. Students will learn how to develop strategies for integrating all necessary design elements into a final printed product. Design of logos, symbols, design systems, and brand awareness will also be studied throughout the course.
Prerequisites: AR 111, 141, 241ID, 241P, 241I, and sophomore standing

AR 276 Ceramics I
(3 credits - Fall)

A basic study of clay as a three-dimensional medium, working with hand-built and wheel-thrown techniques. Introduction to clay and glaze formulas, decorating techniques and firing processes.

AR 311 Figure Drawing
(3 credits - Spring Odd Years)

An introduction to drawing the human figure using a variety of media. Study of the human skeletal and muscular structure is included to assist in applying the basic principles of composition, proportion and perspective in representing the human form. Concentration on developing habits of critical observation.
Prerequisite: AR 111

AR 325 Painting II
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

A continuation of the perceptual, technical and aesthetic development in painting with an emphasis on pictorial composition, artistic treatments of form, theme and use of imagery. Contemporary art forms and current conceptual issues will also be introduced.
Prerequisite: AR 225

AR 331 Sculpture
(3 credits - Fall Even Years)

Survey of traditional sculptural ideas, tools, techniques and materials. Individual projects dealing with conceptual and formal processes of additive and subtractive sculpture.
Prerequisite: AR 142 or DM 110

AR 332 Elementary Visual Arts Methods
(3 credits - Fall Odd Years)

Preparation for future elementary visual arts teachers through study and development of methodologies, curriculum planning, instructional materials design, artistic growth and developmental stages, concepts of implementation, artistic evaluation, teaching and classroom management strategies for the elementary level. A 15-hour field experience is required.
Prerequisites: AR 212 and ED 236

AR 341 Illustration
(3 credits - Fall Even Years)

Principles of illustrating using traditional wet and dry media. An overview of the application of illustration for advertising, fashion, story and product. Methods of artwork reproduction are introduced. Emphasis on creative problem solving and professional level use of media and presentation.
Prerequisites: AR 111, 141, 225 and 211 or 311

AR 342 Secondary Visual Arts Methods
(4 credits - Fall Odd Years)

Preparation for future middle and high school visual arts teacher through student and development of secondary methodologies and strategies, curriculum planning, instructional material design, artistic growth and developmental stages, concepts of implementation, artistic evaluation, teaching and classroom management strategies. A 15-hour field experience is required.
Prerequisites: AR 212 and ED 236

AR 365 Digital Photography II
(3 credits - Spring Odd Years)

A continuation of AR 265, but with a focus on more sophisticated use of contemporary digital software in workflow management and image enhancement. Great emphasis will be put on concept development and establishing a photographic "style" in the student's photo work. The student will drive the individual project scope and direction. Students are required to provide their own digital camera and a tripod. A Digital SLR or camera consistent with the specifications of Digital Photography I is required. A small component of videography with cameras provided by the department will be introduced and basic video editing using Adobe Premier.
Prerequisites: AR 265 and art and design major or minor or digital media arts major

AR 371 Art History I
(3 credits - Fall Odd Years)

A survey of the major art forms of the prehistoric, ancient, classical and medieval worlds. Students will explore and become acquainted with the forms of art typical of each period and interpret those forms as record of the spiritual and social development of humankind and indicators of the aesthetic qualities which gives them artistic significance.

AR 373 Art and Archaeology of Angkor
(3 credits - Fall Even Years)

This class studies the political rise and material culture of the ancient Angkor civilization within Southeast Asia. The Angkor Empire was deeply influenced by the art and religion of India. The class, therefore, focuses on the cross-cultural connection and transfer of sculpture, temple structures and people groups within mainland Southeast Asia.
Identical with HS 373 and PS 373.

AR 376 Ceramics II
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

Intermediate study of clay as a three-dimensional medium, continuing development of form and craftsmanship through individual projects on the wheel and hand-built forms. Additional instruction in glaze chemistry, kiln design, and firing.
Prerequisite: AR 276

AR 381 Art History II
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

A survey of the major art styles in Western art. Chronologically, the course begins with Renaissance art and extends through twenty-first-century art. Emphasis will be placed on stylistic evolution and historical sociological events which were contemporary with this evolution.

AR 395 Practicum in Art
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

Practicum in art is designed to give students practical, directed experience in working individually and as a design group with clients from across campus and with Huntington community groups and individuals. A wide range of commercial art and design projects will be produced to fulfill client needs.
May be repeated for credit with instructor consent.
Prerequisites: AR 111, 271, graphic design major or minor, and consent

AR 441 Computer Illustration
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

An introduction to computer-based illustration. Manipulation of scanned images and the creation of illustrations in object oriented and bit-map based applications will be explored. Emphasis will be on developing creative, aesthetic sensibility and skills development.
Prerequisites: AR 111, 241I, and 241P

AR 471 Web Design
(3 credits - Spring Odd Years)

An introduction to principles of UX/UI (User Experience/User Interface) design through various class exercises and a semester-long design project. The design process for creating a website from start to finish will be followed throughout. By the end, students have a live, fully functional website. Students use a variety of prototyping tools as well as development tools for web site deployment.
Prerequisites: AR 241I, 241ID, 241P, and 271

AR 485 Senior Project I
(3 credits - Fall, Spring)

In this culminating experience in the art and design program, graphic design, fine arts, studio art, and art education students synthesize their studio experiences and produce work to be displayed in senior exhibits and portfolios. Graphic design majors are expected to create two different projects chosen from photography, illustration, computer illustration, web design, or visual communication design. Fine arts and studio art majors are expected to create work within a particular studio focus for both semesters. Art education majors have the option of taking the course as an upper-level studio elective and are expected to create work in the studio focus they plan to teach.
Prerequisite: Art and design major

AR 486 Senior Project II
(3 credits - Fall, Spring)

In this culminating experience in the art and design program, graphic design, fine arts, studio art, and art education students synthesize their studio experiences and produce work to be displayed in senior exhibits and portfolios. Graphic design majors are expected to create two different projects chosen from photography, illustration, computer illustration, web design, or visual communication design. Fine arts and studio art majors are expected to create work within a particular studio focus for both semesters. Art education majors have the option of taking the course as an upper-level studio elective and are expected to create work in the studio focus they plan to teach.
Prerequisite: Art and design major

AR 490 Independent Study
(1 to 4 credits - Fall, Spring)

Independent study of a topic beyond the scope of the regular art curriculum.
Prerequisites: Art and design major and consent

AR 491 Advanced Studio
(3 credits - Fall, Spring)

Studio experiences in specific visual arts disciplines are offered to enhance regular curriculum offerings. Students counting AR 491XXX toward the hours required for a track in the studio art major should take the advanced studio prior to the senior project.
Prerequisites: Art and design major and consent

AR 491CER Advanced Ceramics
(3 credits - Fall, Spring)

Studio experiences in specific visual arts disciplines are offered to enhance regular curriculum offerings. Students counting AR 491XXX toward the hours required for a track in the studio art major should take the advanced studio prior to the senior project.
Prerequisite: AR 376

AR 491DRA Advanced Drawing
(3 credits - Fall, Spring)

Studio experiences in specific visual arts disciplines are offered to enhance regular curriculum offerings. Students counting AR 491XXX toward the hours required for a track in the studio art major should take the advanced studio prior to the senior project.
Prerequisite: AR 211 or 311

AR 491PAI Advanced Painting
(3 credits - Fall, Spring)

Studio experiences in specific visual arts disciplines are offered to enhance regular curriculum offerings. Students counting AR 491XXX toward the hours required for a track in the studio art major should take the advanced studio prior to the senior project.
Prerequisite: AR 325

AR 491PHO Advanced Photography
(3 credits - Fall, Spring)

Studio experiences in specific visual arts disciplines are offered to enhance regular curriculum offerings. Students counting AR 491XXX toward the hours required for a track in the studio art major should take the advanced studio prior to the senior project.
Prerequisite: AR 365

AR 491SCU Advanced Sculpture
(3 credits - Fall, Spring)

Studio experiences in specific visual arts disciplines are offered to enhance regular curriculum offerings. Students counting AR 491XXX toward the hours required for a track in the studio art major should take the advanced studio prior to the senior project.
Prerequisite: AR 461

AR 495 Internship in Graphic Design
(2 to 4 credits - Fall, Spring, Summer)

An off-campus, supervised experience in a professional environment.
Prerequisites: Graphic design major, AR 395, junior standing and consent

HU's Academic Catalog