Financial Details

2025-2026 Huntington University Tuition and Fees 

Traditional Undergraduate Tuition and Fees - Huntington, Indiana

Full Time Semester Tuition$16,572
,6Overload Tuition per Credit Hour (above 17 hrs)$966
Part-time Semester Tuition per Credit Hour (6 - 11.5 hrs)$966
Special Part-Time Semester Tuition per Credit Hour (up to 5.5 hrs)$549
Summer (2025) Tuition per Credit Hour$458
Summer (2025) Internship/Practicum per Credit Hour$220
Summer (2026) Tuition per Credit Hour$472
Summer (2026) Internship/Practicum per Credit Hour$229
Summer (2026) Veterinary Nursing Tuition per Credit Hour$250
Audit Charge per Hour$428
Tutorial Charge per Credit Hour (plus tuition)$428
Visitor Charge per Course (no record, lecture courses only)$220
ABLE Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) Tuition per Credit Hour$472
Early Entry HS Tuition per Credit Hour (Maximum 9 Credit Hours per Term - 24 Credit Hours Total)$100
High School Dual Credit Tuition per Credit Hour (Maximum 9 Credit Hours per Term; Fall & Spring Only)$0
1 + 3 Early Entry Program (Viking Forester) Tuition per Credit Hour$100
1 + 3 Early Entry Program (Viking Forester) Tuition per Credit Hour (Students with Free & Reduced Lunches)$75

General Student Deposit

Receipt of the advance deposit in U.S. funds represents the students’ acceptance of admission and is not refundable to new students after May 1. All full-time undergraduate students are required to have a comprehensive deposit on account for the duration of the students’ enrollment. The deposit is refundable when students leave the University following initial matriculation. Unpaid charges at the time of a refund may be deducted from this deposit.

Freshman Orientation Fee$130
Graduation Fee $120
Laundry Fee (all students with room charge, per semester)$60
Parking Fee per Academic Year$50
Laboratory Fees per Course$20 - 425
Nursing Laboratory Fee per Clinical Course 300 Level (Includes Tote)$330
Nursing Laboratory Fee per Clinical Course 400 Level$260
Private Music Lesson Fee (per 30 minute lesson)

Twelve half-hour lessons per semester. Fee includes availability of practice room as needed. Lesson fee is in addition to regular tuition.
Student Teaching Fee (14 weeks)$385
PRIME Experience Fee$385
Social Work Senior Practicum and Seminar Fee$200
Sport Management Application Capstone Fee$50


Traditional Undergraduate Housing and Food - Huntington, Indiana

Semester Housing and Food Fees$5,537
Summer Term Housing and Food Fee per Week$263

Food (Meal Plan) fee provides 20 meals per week according to the residence hall schedule, but vacation meals are not included. An alternate meal plan is available. For details, please contact the Student Life office.

Residence hall rooms are furnished with beds, mattresses, desks, dressers, chairs, mirrors, wastebaskets and blinds.



Traditional Undergraduate Tuition and Fees - Peoria, Arizona

Tuition per Credit Hour$472
Semester Technology Fee (5 Credit Hours or more)$375
Semester Technology Fee (4 Credit Hours or less)$188
Course Fee for Laboratory, Technology Support, and/or Materials$70 - 140
Early Entry HS Tuition per Credit Hour (Maximum 8 Credit Hours per Term - 24 Credit Hours Total)$100
High School Dual Credit Tuition per Credit Hour$25
General Student Deposit

Receipt of the advance deposit in U.S. funds represents the students’ acceptance of admission and is not refundable to new students after May 1. All full-time undergraduate students are required to have a comprehensive deposit on account for the duration of the students’ enrollment. The deposit is refundable when students leave the University following initial matriculation. Unpaid charges at the time of a refund may be deducted from this deposit.
Graduation Fee $120


Traditional Undergraduate Special Tuition Categories

Huntington LIFE Alumnus Tuition per Credit Hour (3 Years out with Lifetime Maximum of 30 Credit Hours Total; Online Courses Excluded)$472
Senior Adult (over 60) Tuition per Credit Hour (Maximum 6 Credit Hours per Term; Fall & Spring Only; Lifetime Maximum of 18 credit Hours Total; Online Courses Excluded)$125


Graduate and Online Programs Tuition and Fees

Doctor of Occupational Therapy Tuition per Credit Hour$896
OTD Bridge Program Tuition per Credit Hour$932
MA Clinical Mental Health Counseling Tuition per Credit Hour $575
MA Pastoral Leadership Tuition per Credit Hour$422
MA Ministry/TESOL Tuition per Credit Hour$422
MBA Business Administration Tuition per Credit Hour$550
MEd TESOL Education Tuition per Credit Hour$443
Graduate Executive Coaching and Leadership Certificate Tuition per Credit Hour$600
Graduate International Agriculture Certificate Tuition per Credit Hour$550
Graduate Non-Profit Administration Certificate Tuition per Credit Hour$550
Graduate TESOL Certificate Tuition per Credit Hour$443
ABSN Tuition per Credit Hour$786
ABSN Program Fee per Semester$250
ABSN Laboratory Fee per Clinical Course$395
Online Programs Tuition per Credit Hour$402
Online Programs DMA Certificate (Animation and Film) Tuition per Class (No Technology Fee)$1,250
Online Programs TESOL Certificate Tuition per Credit Hour$402
Semester Technology Fee (All Programs Except for ABSN, OTD, and OTD Bridge)$110
Tutorial Charge per Credit Hour (plus tuition)$428
Audit Charge per Hour$428
Graduation Fee (All Programs Except for OTD and OTD Bridge)$120


** The University reserves the right to change or correct rates if and when necessary. **

See Huntington University website for a current list of fees: