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Designation of Honors

Dean’s List honors designation is made at the end of each semester to those students who are classified as regular students and who have been enrolled full-time with a load of 12 hours or more in graded courses earning at least 41 grade points with a semester GPA of at least 3.50.

Alpha Chi Honor Society selection is limited to juniors and seniors who rank in the upper ten percent of their classes and who are elected to the Indiana Beta Chapter of the national honor society by the faculty.

Graduation honors are accorded to students receiving bachelor degrees with an appropriate cumulative GPA. At least 60 hours must have been completed at Huntington with the minimum GPA, and the students' combined overall records at Huntington and previous institutions must also be above the minimum grade index. A bachelor's degree is conferred cum laude upon students with a cumulative GPA of 3.50, conferred magna cum laude upon students with a cumulative GPA of 3.70 and summa cum laude upon students with a cumulative GPA of 3.85. Students who participate in graduation ceremonies as summer graduates and whose current grade point averages exceed the requirements for graduation honors will receive and be able to wear the honor cord for the graduation ceremony and honors will be listed in the graduation bulletin with the designation "Honors anticipated upon completion of requirements."