Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, CLEP and DSST

High school students who take advanced placement courses are encouraged to take the CEEB advanced placement (AP) examinations. Official score reports should be sent to the Office of the Registrar, who will then evaluate and grant credit based on the scores and the University's current practice. Credits may be awarded to students who have earned a score of 3 or higher.

Credit is also awarded for students who have taken International Baccalaureate Examinations. Up to 30 hours of credit may be awarded to students who receive the full International Baccalaureate Diploma and have earned grades of 5 or better in their three higher level subjects. Students who have not earned the full diploma may receive credit by earning a score of 5 or higher in a specific subject. Official International Baccalaureate transcripts should be sent to the Office of the Registrar, who will then evaluate and grant credit based on the scores and the University's current practice.

The University also grants credit to enrolled students for subject examinations (not general exams) in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and for selected DSST exams. These exams may be taken at any open test center with the scores sent to the University. Certain institutionally administered tests are also given in subjects for which no national test is available. CLEP requires a three month (90 calendar days) waiting period to retake an exam; the DSST waiting period is 30 days.

To receive university credit, the student must be enrolled or completing a program of study at Huntington or a graduate from the University. Credit by examination for individuals who are not enrolled is held until they do enroll. No credit is awarded in a course for which credit has already been received. A CLEP exam may be used to repeat an unsuccessfully attempted course; however, the prior record, including the grade, is not altered. 

CLEP or DSST credit is not used in calculating the GPA, and it does not satisfy residency requirements for the major or the degree.

Huntington uses the CLEP exams for placement and credit decisions in modern languages. Students who have studied two or more years of high school foreign language should take the CLEP exam by August so that scores of the test, along with the high school record, may be used to place students in the language course appropriate to the level of achievement.

Students who transfer to Huntington with AP, IB, CLEP or DSST credit from another institution shall have the credit reviewed by the University. The University will review official score reports and grant credit based on the scores and the University’s current practice. Because institutions differ on the minimum score for which they may grant CLEP or DSST credit, students cannot assume that a score accepted by another institution will be sufficient to meet Huntington’s minimum score for credit.