Alumni LIFE Program

Graduates who have completed their baccalaureate degrees at Huntington University are encouraged to enroll in undergraduate courses (online courses excluded for LIFE) at a special rate to enhance their undergraduate education in the Lifetime Investment for Education program. A three-year waiting period from the date of graduation is required to enroll in the LIFE courses. A total of 30 credit hours is the limit for alumni in the LIFE program. LIFE students are not eligible for other University financial assistance.

LIFE students may enroll in any regular undergraduate course on a space-available basis. Where a minimum enrollment is needed to offer a course, such as in summer session or designated special evening program, LIFE enrollments do not count toward those minimum requirements. Laboratory, course, activity or other applicable fees are assessed in addition to the special tuition rate. The LIFE tuition rate does not apply to specially offered courses such as tutorials, internships, or independent studies, nor to special programs such as Online Programs. These provisions for LIFE are periodically reviewed and revised and may change over time. An application for readmission must be completed in the Office of Admissions.