Institutional Review Board

Research conducted by faculty, staff, and students at Huntington University and involves people needs Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. Huntington University is committed to the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects in all research, class projects, and related activities. The IRB upholds the standards of The Federal Regulations Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 46. These standards may be found at

Using these standards as a guide, the IRB will seek to:

  • Ensure the protection of human subjects involved in research projects carried out by faculty, staff, and students at Huntington University.
  • Evaluate both risks and benefits of research.
  • Ensure that research conducted by Huntington University faculty, staff, and students meets the standards required by governmental agencies, thereby protecting researchers and the institution.

The IRB's only interest is protecting the safety, welfare, and rights of human research subjects. Research methodology will not be evaluated so long as it does not impact risk and ethical issues. Approval from the IRB is not an endorsement of the research techniques, results, or conclusions drawn from the research.

Certain types of research are exempt from IRB review. For research that is exempt from IRB review, an "Exempt Status" application must be submitted. Typically, research that collects survey type data on adults only qualify as “Exempt” from full review.  For research that is not exempt, an "IRB Review" application must be submitted. Typically, research that does “something” to somebody (treatment or manipulation of an Independent variable) qualify as IRB Review.  Further information regarding the IRB and whether research is exempt from a full review by the IRB may be found at