Career Opportunities, Natural Sciences
The Quest Against the Weeds
Taking this opportunity has given me so much positive learning with hands-on experience, and I am forever grateful to be able to have this opportunity to learn while helping the long-term future of the conservation of our land. It meant a lot to me, personally, and I hope I can be able to contribute more in the future towards practices like my internship.
Student Life
I Took a Break from My Cubicle
I almost chose not to go. I had three unfinished projects and was nervous about cutting too close to the deadlines.
RichLyn Library: More than Books
RichLyn Library is a vital resource for academic success at Huntington University. When I asked several of my peers what the first word that came into their mind was when they heard the word “library,” many of them said “books.” While this response is accurate, the Library has much more to offer the students at HU, and that often goes unnoticed. Check out (no pun intended) some of the Library’s services.
Local Favorites, Student Life
Coffee Cups Series: Cafe of Hope
Nestled within the building of Life Church, Cafe of Hope is a popular spot for HU students. Created by Life Church to connect with the Huntington community and help people take their next steps towards Jesus, this coffee shop has an incredibly welcoming and loving environment.
Take Logic. It Just Makes Sense.
While a required course for philosophy majors, logic can be applied to any subject. I argue that logic even extends into the arts, whether it be stringing events into a coherent narrative, considering how the audience interprets visual information, and more.
Admissions Process, Spiritual Life, Student Life
Living Out Your Faith at HU
If you asked me four years ago if I thought going to a Christian university would push me to become stronger in my faith, I would have told you the choice was too safe. I had so many doubts, but this one was the loudest: If I was surrounded by like-minded people and consistent messages of faith, would I be prepared to live in the “real world” when I graduated?
Career Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Majors/Programs
Certified Leadership Potential
Investing in the executive coaching and leadership potential among the employees at your business or organization can have ripple effects that benefit your entire workplace culture. Consider the following example from Sara Yarian, who participated in Huntington University’s Executive Coaching and Leadership Certificate program.
Career Opportunities, Language & Communication
Four Career Routes for Communication Majors to Explore
Anyone working to earn a bachelor’s degree in communications, journalism, or public relations has the opportunity to work alongside almost any field. Every business, every speaker needs a way to reach the public.
Local Favorites, Student Life
Coffee Cups Series: JJ Java
The first stop in our coffee cup series is connected to the local JJ’s gas station and is one of HU students’ most loved coffee shops: JJ Java. Affectionately known as JJ’s, this coffee shop serves a variety of drinks, such as coffee, tea, smoothies, and juice.
Career Opportunities, Student Success
Chicken Noodle Soup for the Anxious Senior’s Soul
The recipe for peace is made of ingredients that are available to you at HU, and the best part is this recipe doesn’t have to be for seniors only! After you complete this recipe, share it with someone whom you think could use it.