Programs in Film, Animation, and Television Production

Animation Degree (BS)
On the big screen and beyond, animators are impacting visual culture in the world around them. Their work appears on the internet, in commercials, movies, video games, streaming media, moving picture books, and more. A skilled and well-trained animator can find a niche in just about any market they choose.

Broadcasting Minor
With a broadcasting minor at Huntington University, you will gain opportunities within the Forester Digital Network to immerse yourself in the world of sports broadcasting, news reporting, and radio. This minor could be the perfect addition to your television production, journalism, or sports management major giving you a deeper understanding of broadcasting. As part of the digital media arts program at HU, you will be encouraged and equipped to use the latest technology and tools of the trade to help you become a great broadcaster.

Film Production Degree (BS)
You don't have to wait until your 5th semester of college to touch professional gear in our Film program at Huntington University. You will receive a foundation of storytelling and digital filmmaking techniques that will in turn enable you to produce and direct both live-action and documentary films that reflect faith and speak truth to the culture at large.

Game Development Degree (BS)
Students pursing a bachelor of science degree in game development will complete 60-61 hours in the major. The program requires completion in DM 102, 105, 180, 225, 325, 371, 381, 445GD, 446GD; CS 111; and one of the following tracks. Students who select the animation track complete DM 150, 210, 389, 425, 453; one course from DM 170 or 178; one course from DM 203 or 278; two courses from DM 334, 378, or 382; and one course from DM 432 or 478. Students pursuing the animation track may count DM 150 toward the creative studio arts requirement. Students who select the computer science track complete CS 175, 216, 325, 362, 386; three courses from CS 315, 355, 415, or 425; MA 165; and PH 111/L.

Screenwriting Minor
Screenwriting is essential to digital storytelling. Being able to master the art of storytelling, character development, and conflict will serve as the foundation for all the moving parts that enter after a screenplay is written. Within Huntington University’s digital media arts program, you will learn how to develop your own characters that will come to life in the stories you create on the page and on screen. A screenwriting minor will bolster a major in television production, animation, and film, and also pairs nicely with any of the theatre majors.

Television Production Degree (BS)
In Broadcast-Fusion Media, students look at both traditional careers in radio and TV while also experimenting with its evolution in this ever-changing digital landscape, which includes experience in corporate work, event/sports videography, church media and documentary video. All this takes place inside the Forester Digital Network.