
Category: Student Life

Admissions Process, Campus Visit, Student Life

What’s Important: Community & Interconnectedness

When community and interconnectedness are your top priorities, you want to find a university that has the right feel. People who value community and interconnectedness often come away from a campus visit saying something like, “When I stepped on campus, I just knew this was the place for me.”
Student Life

Trying New Things as a Freshman

Growing up, I was always scared to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. I would be willing to do new things, but only if I knew of a friend doing it too. In high school, I was always very involved with a variety of things, and I loved being at any event, whether that was participating in it or supporting peers. Coming to college, I knew I wanted to be involved, but I was never expecting to be involved as much as I have been so far.
Performing & Digital Arts, Student Success, Student Life

An Animation Major’s Self-Indulgence

For as long as I can remember, I have always been an art kid. Any unimportant paper to come near me would most likely be snatched for future doodling. At some point, however, I wanted to do more with my art. I wanted to tell stories. I do occasionally work on comics, but those lack something else I wanted to incorporate — movement, and that is where my interest in animation started.
Student Life

A Day in the Life of a College Student

Now, I know I must seem like the most boring person on earth, but I am starting to think that being boring is not exactly a terrible thing. The way I see it, life can be boring, even monotonous, but when interesting stuff does come along, I feel like it has a much bigger impact on me. However, I get that not everyone is the same way. I joined Huntington University for the quieter atmosphere, but there are plenty of activities for the more outgoing types. If that is what you are looking for, check out and see what interests you.
Majors/Programs, Performing & Digital Arts, Student Life

How I Joined “Meet Me in St. Louis”

If you’re on the edge about being in a show, I say go for it. Just make sure you’re willing to commit to it, but I promise you won’t regret it. This has become one of my best memories so far as a student at HU.
Language & Communication , Majors/Programs, Student Success, Student Life

My Story from StoryCon

Excitement. Curiosity. Nervousness.These were all emotions I felt attending my first StoryCon at Huntington University. Dr. Todd Martin, director of StoryCon, had hyped up the event and suggested I attend. As a newer English major, I felt like I would be the least knowledgeable person in the room and the least qualified to take part in the making and telling of stories. However, I was curious about the poetry workshop, and with a free lunch involved, I couldn’t say no. I apprehensively registered for StoryCon 2022, and looking back, I am so thankful I did.
Alumni, Legacy, Spiritual Life, Student Life

Nothing But the Truth

Can I tell you the honest truth? Writing about the “chases truth” Forester trait is tricky, more difficult (for me at least) than many of the other Forester traits. I’ve been writing about the Spirit of a Forester for years, yet right now I’m carefully considering every word I write. And I think that’s a good thing. I wouldn’t want to handle the truth lightly.
Alumni, Legacy, Spiritual Life, Student Life

How to be creative…even when you aren’t.

Creativity is a part of the Forester identity. So where does that leave people who don’t consider themselves creative?
Alumni, Legacy, Spiritual Life, Student Life

A Swing and a Miss

Foresters defy complacency by understanding themselves and seeking opportunities to grow that fit who they are. They can defy complacency in whatever they do — in English essays, lab experiments, and even in softball games — without being perfect at everything. Instead, they cultivate a sense of self-awareness and meaningful growth.
Social Sciences, Student Success, Student Life

10 Reasons to Get Your BSW at Huntington University

Huntington University’s mission is to honor Christ in scholarship and service. If you earn your bachelor’s degree in social work, you will be completing that mission by advocating for hurting people with compassion and love. Here are the top ten reasons why you should earn your Bachelor of Social Work degree at HU.