
Category: Student Success

Student Success, Student Life

Asking the “Why” Behind Changing Your Major

If you are thinking about changing your major, you are not alone! According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about 33 percent of undergraduates in bachelor's degree programs had changed their major within three years of initial enrollment. I am proof of that statistic: In the summer between my freshman and sophomore year, I changed my major from biology to English literature. Changing majors can seem impossible, but the outcome is worth it when you finally find the field of study where you can use your passions and interests.
Alumni, Career Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Occupational Therapy, Student Success

Returning Home to Lay the Groundwork for a Dementia Friendly Community

Recently, an occupational therapy doctoral student lived her dream to return to her home community and give back to those who provided her with support. Her goal was to lay the foundation for an inclusive community for individuals with dementia and their caregivers. Abigail Saxman Muhlenkamp worked for fourteen weeks to successfully complete educational requirements for her doctoral capstone.
Majors/Programs, Student Success

High School vs. College

The transition from high school to college can be jarring, even if you already have an idea of what to expect. Personally, I was unsure if I would be blindsided by the incoming load of responsibilities or if I was just getting myself too worked up. Whatever the case is for you, knowing the difference between high school and college may help you know what to expect and adjust to the transition.
Legacy, Student Success

Maximize the Tax Benefits of Your IRA Before Year-End

The end of the calendar year will soon be upon us. Many individuals are currently reviewing their potential income tax liability for 2022 and considering strategies to minimize their tax burden.
Athletics, Student Success, Student Life

Life as a Student-Athlete

Constantly exhausted. No time for homework, let alone a social life. Struggling silently with mental health issues.These are descriptions of the student-athlete life that I heard from family and friends when I committed to Huntington University to play women’s basketball. Naturally, I was nervous at the beginning of my freshman year. Now in the middle of my junior year, I can confidently say that my family and friends were misguided in their assumptions of the student-athlete life.
Career Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Student Success

4 Tips to Prepare for Your Counseling Internship

One thing at the forefront of any counseling student's mind is the need for internship hours. Though you won't need to worry about those until later in the program, it's good practice to seek out placement immediately. Here are some tips to make your internship and practicum experiences successful.
Admissions Process, Career Opportunities, Student Success

Choosing a Major

Choosing your college major doesn’t have to be a mysterious process. If you have ever thought about what you want to do with your career and what your interests are, you already know how to choose a major — now is the time to take all of those great ideas and put them to work!