
Category: Majors/Programs

Athletics, Health & Medical Sciences , Majors/Programs

Student Experience: Department of Kinesiology

If you have a passion for health, nutrition, and exercise, HU’s Department of Kinesiology is the perfect place for you! A common misconception is that working in or being interested in nutrition and exercise is only for “fitness buffs” or athletes. Thankfully, senior Kalaina Stephens shed light on the Department of Kinesiology and why it has inspired her to aid others in the pursuit of wellness.
Career Opportunities, Health & Medical Sciences , Majors/Programs

Nurses Unite with HU’s Nursing Student Council

One of the ways HU’s Department of Nursing fosters education and involvement is through the Nursing Student Council (NSC). The purpose of NSC is to facilitate communication between students, faculty, and administration to better promote awareness of health-related topics on HU’s campus and in the community.
Campus Visit, Majors/Programs, Performing & Digital Arts

Summer Camp, My Prologue to DMA

At the start of my freshman year at Huntington University, as soon as I sat down in the animation lab in Becker Hall, my first thought was “it’s good to be back.”
Career Opportunities, Majors/Programs, Performing & Digital Arts

What Can You Do with an Art & Design Degree?

Art is more than making nice things to put on display. Artists are involved in commerce, manufacturing, architecture, and more. Here are some brief descriptions of jobs you can get with a degree in art and design.
Career Opportunities, Majors/Programs, Student Life

The Good Order on Campus

Did you know Huntington University has a student-led pre-law club? The group is called Eunomia and is perfect for students looking to work in the legal field. I got in touch with Dr. Jeffrey Webb, pre-law advisor and club faculty sponsor, and he told me a bit about the activities Eunomia has been and will be doing.
Majors/Programs, Student Success

Who’s Ready for Registration?

With a long list of classes, potential scheduling conflicts, numerous course requirements, internship hours, and clinicals, registering for classes can be overwhelming. Thankfully, as always, Huntington University is here to help you in each stage of life, including registering for next semester!

Take Logic. It Just Makes Sense.

While a required course for philosophy majors, logic can be applied to any subject. I argue that logic even extends into the arts, whether it be stringing events into a coherent narrative, considering how the audience interprets visual information, and more.
Career Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Majors/Programs

Certified Leadership Potential

Investing in the executive coaching and leadership potential among the employees at your business or organization can have ripple effects that benefit your entire workplace culture. Consider the following example from Sara Yarian, who participated in Huntington University’s Executive Coaching and Leadership Certificate program.
Career Opportunities, Health & Medical Sciences , Majors/Programs

What Can You Do with a Nursing Degree?

If you ask a six-year-old what nurses do, their answer will probably be something like “they give shots” or “they wear scrubs.” Though both assumptions are true, nurses do so much more than that.
Majors/Programs, Performing & Digital Arts

My Favorite Class Project of 2022-2023

Despite aspiring to specialize in 2D character animation, I think the project I enjoyed most in 2022-2023 was all about animating text. The project was called “kinetic typography.” We had to take an audio clip and create subtitles that would appear and move to complement the dialogue.