
Category: Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities, Health & Medical Sciences

Interested in nursing and missions?

Young adult Christians, regardless of their career path, often understand the importance of missions work, and many have the opportunity to serve through short-term missions trips across the world long before they reach college. Others hope that missions will be their full-time work after they graduate from college. There are many great opportunities for nurses, particularly, to serve in missions abroad with the skills they learned in the lab and at work.
Admissions Process, Campus Visit, Career Opportunities, Language & Communication

Three Traits of a Journalist, Per Nathan the Prophet

If you have the traits of a good journalist, I invite you to come and major in journalism at Huntington University. We’ll give you the same training and education we gave Shelly Bradbury, one of our journalism graduates. When in our department, she wrote and edited stories for our campus newspaper — just as students are doing even now online (take a look). After a year of Bradbury’s first stint as a newspaper reporter, she emailed us to say that her “editors seem to agree that writing is one of my strengths, and I've got to guess that's in part because of the classes…where we scrutinized each and every word.” (We make our students true wordsmiths!)
Career Opportunities, Faculty Research, Majors/Programs, Psychology & Counseling, Social Sciences

Two Simple Tips for Studying Smarter

Ever felt frustrated after an exam because you feel like you did poorly even though you studied so hard? It is not an uncommon feeling. What you (and even your teachers!) might not realize is that studying harder does not always increase your learning as much as you think it might. This is a place where psychology can be a game-changer!
Admissions Process, Campus Visit, Career Opportunities, Majors/Programs

Do I really need to go to college?

The college decision is a big deal, and one that impacts your future significantly. The pressure to answer questions about a major and your future career could make you hesitant about college, but the truth is that college will bring more value to your life than simply preparing for a specific career, even if you remain undecided. What you learn goes far beyond the classroom.
Career Opportunities, Ministry & Missions, Spiritual Life

How a Liberal Arts Education Enhances Your Ministry

Earning your ministry degree from a liberal arts college also allows you to try new things within your field of interest. One semester you might work with a local youth group and help an established youth pastor. The next summer you might participate in an internship that allows you to lead worship or be responsible for children’s ministry. And the next year you might be able to teach a Sunday school class. These types of experiences give you great ministry perspective and allow you to learn from established leaders. Again, all helping you to shape your worldview!
Career Opportunities, Majors/Programs, Performing & Digital Arts, Student Success

“Eyeing” a Photography Career

Art majors find their inspiration as they work with different mediums: clay, charcoal, ceramics, and more. They are trained to see the world around them and interpret it through the medium of their choice. For some students, that “artist’s eye” is best behind a camera lens.
Career Opportunities, Student Success, Student Life

Looking for a Campus Job or Internship?

Campus jobs and internships are amazing opportunities to earn money and workplace experience while in college. However, thinking about adding hours to an already busy schedule of classes, practices, clinicals, and projects can seem a bit daunting.
Career Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Health & Medical Sciences , Occupational Therapy

Experts + Experience = Exceptional Education

Learning to become an occupational therapy practitioner is a process, and experts and experience are your best guides in the process. A Doctoral Program in Occupational Therapy (OTD program) is ready to prepare you for a rewarding occupational therapy (OT) career.
Alumni, Career Opportunities, Graduate Programs, Occupational Therapy, Student Success

Returning Home to Lay the Groundwork for a Dementia Friendly Community

Recently, an occupational therapy doctoral student lived her dream to return to her home community and give back to those who provided her with support. Her goal was to lay the foundation for an inclusive community for individuals with dementia and their caregivers. Abigail Saxman Muhlenkamp worked for fourteen weeks to successfully complete educational requirements for her doctoral capstone.
Career Opportunities, Engineering & Technology, Occupational Therapy

Building Upon a Creative Foundation: Occupational Therapy and 3D Printing

There are many distinctive and impactful possibilities an occupational therapy practitioner (OT) or OT student might consider for 3D printing projects. Whether in a clinical or academic setting, groundbreaking designs and modifications can benefit the clients we serve while cutting costs of expensive devices or medical equipment. Occupational therapy academic programs may consider a unique collaborative opportunity with clinical site partners to provide various types of adaptive equipment occupational therapists can supply to their clients.