HU student taking notes in a classroom.


The Bridge program seeks to support incoming students to help them access and build tools that will help them find academic success. Students who have been reviewed by the Admissions Committee and given provisional admittance are placed in the Bridge program. This program has shown to have had a great influence in the success of its members.

Bridge students will be placed in one of three levels:

HU students walking out of the Science Hall. HU students walking out of the Science Hall.

Bridge Program participants receive personalized support tailored to their needs, including being enrolled in Strategies for Success (SS101) throughout the fall semester of their first year, pre-orientation classes, and ongoing one-on-one support meetings as deemed appropriate.  Additionally, students may be enrolled in the EN121L Writing Skills Lab to enhance their writing proficiency. Upon admission, Bridge students will be informed of their program placement. 

The pre-orientation curriculum is carefully designed to equip students with essential skills such as note-taking strategies, effective study techniques, test-taking strategies, and executive functioning skills, setting them up for success throughout the semester. In SS101, structured like a skills lab, students apply these skills with support from Bridge program staff, ensuring their continued development and academic achievement. The EN 121L is designed to support students' success in EN 121 or various other courses that are writing heavy, providing a foundation for success throughout their time as a Forester. 

Contact Information

The Bridge Program is designed to support students in their academic journey. To learn more, please contact