Admissions Process, Career Opportunities, Student Success
I am interested in…people and justice.
In this “I am interested in…” series, we are exploring ways you can translate your interests into college majors. Whatever you choose, you will have the tools you need to launch a career with impact!
Student Life
Trying New Things as a Freshman
Growing up, I was always scared to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. I would be willing to do new things, but only if I knew of a friend doing it too. In high school, I was always very involved with a variety of things, and I loved being at any event, whether that was participating in it or supporting peers. Coming to college, I knew I wanted to be involved, but I was never expecting to be involved as much as I have been so far.
Alumni, Student Success
To the Class of 2023
Everything that happened (good and bad) during my four years as an HU student led to the moment I could finally say with joy that I am an HU graduate. A proud member of the Forester Nation. And soon, Class of 2023, you will be able to say the same.
Health & Medical Sciences
The Heart of a Nurse
Bedside nurses are the backbone of the health care network, and we need them now more than ever. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that from 2021-2031 there will be an average of about 203,200 job openings for registered nurses each year.
Performing & Digital Arts, Student Success, Student Life
An Animation Major’s Self-Indulgence
For as long as I can remember, I have always been an art kid. Any unimportant paper to come near me would most likely be snatched for future doodling. At some point, however, I wanted to do more with my art. I wanted to tell stories. I do occasionally work on comics, but those lack something else I wanted to incorporate — movement, and that is where my interest in animation started.
Student Success
Finish Well During Finals Week
Finals week. A phrase that causes a shudder to ripple through every college student. If finals week had a theme song, it would be the sinister sound of the monster shark from the movie Jaws darting toward its prey: da DAH, da DAH, da DAH da DAH da DAH… From a freshman finishing their first year of college to a senior who is desperate to survive until graduation and everyone in between, finals week is a daunting finish line. If we think of the spring semester as a race, we are currently in the second leg of our run, with the finish line in sight. We don’t want to run out of energy and crawl to the finish line, right?
Career Opportunities, Occupational Therapy
Your OTA Questions Answered
Whether you are interested in the occupational therapy field as a client or as a future practitioner, occupational therapy assistants (OTAs) have the potential to add significant value to your everyday life. Read on to learn more about occupational therapy and the OTA profession.
Business, Career Opportunities
Doing Business: Careers to Consider
A business degree offers coursework to enable students to meet the challenges of the economic environment and to be leaders in business and related fields. Here are some common careers available to a business major...
Student Life
A Day in the Life of a College Student
Now, I know I must seem like the most boring person on earth, but I am starting to think that being boring is not exactly a terrible thing. The way I see it, life can be boring, even monotonous, but when interesting stuff does come along, I feel like it has a much bigger impact on me. However, I get that not everyone is the same way. I joined Huntington University for the quieter atmosphere, but there are plenty of activities for the more outgoing types. If that is what you are looking for, check out and see what interests you.
In the Forester Family
For Susan and Rachel Batdorff, Huntington University provided a foundational education that they could build on for the rest of their lives. In turn, they made their mark on the University in their own unique ways as part of the Forester Family.