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Courses in Social Work

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SW 171 Introduction to Social Work
(3 credits - Spring)

An introduction and broad overview of the social work profession. Its beginnings and growth to worldwide recognition are traced. Key people, movements and practices are noted. Fields of practice are especially emphasized. Includes concurrent experiential learning through service in the local community. Provides a picture of what it means to have a career in social work.

SW 195 Job Shadow in Social Work
(1 to 2 credits - Fall, Spring)

Students observe the daily routines and activities of employed professionals and see how skills and knowledge acquired in class are applied in the social work field.
Prerequisite: Consent

SW 236 Introduction to Addictions
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

This course is an overview of the phenomenon of addictions. The course will survey various types of addictions such as alcoholism, drug addiction, internet addictions, eating disorders and hoarding. Consideration will be given to the etiology, symptomatology, prevention, treatment and relapse prevention options in the addictions field. The biological psychological, social and spiritual implications of addiction will be examined.
Prerequisite: SW 171 or PY 111 or SO 111

SW 242 Child Welfare
(3 credits - Spring Odd Years)

This course will provide a historical overview of the child welfare system and will examine the children and families involved with this system. Cultural, economic, and sociopolitical issues related to child welfare will be discussed. Current laws regarding child neglect and abuse will be examined. Assessment of the child maltreatment and research-informed prevention and intervention programs will be introduced. Advocacy techniques that promote human rights and social justice will be presented. Actions that promote leadership, social responsibility, advocacy, and social action as they intersect with child welfare will be developed.
Prerequisite: PY 111 or SO 111

SW 295 Practicum in Social Work
(1 to 3 credits - Fall, Spring)

Practicum in some aspect of social work designed to give student practical, directed experience.
Prerequisite: Consent

SW 321 Minority Groups
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

The focus of this course is intergroup relations of a dominant-minority character. The majority-minority relations in many societies are examined with emphasis on American patterns. The goal is to identify the universal behavior patterns and basic concepts in the study of majority-minority relations.
Identical with SO 321.
Prerequisite: SO 111

SW 325 Social Work Practice I
(3 credits - Fall)

Foundational course of a three-course sequence in preparation for generalist social work practice. Focuses on application of theoretical approaches and interpersonal skills in a problem-solving model. Professional values and ethical decision making are introduced and applied through the use of case studies. Cultural competence and empowerment of client systems are emphasized. Research application to evaluation of practice is included. Concurrent experiential learning component.
Prerequisites: SW 171, SO 111, and declared social work major

SW 333 Social Welfare Institutions
(3 credits - Spring Odd Years)

A study of the ideology, function and structure of the public and private auspices by which societies seek to assure the well being of their members, historically and currently. American society is the primary focus, accompanied by ongoing global comparisons. Key topics include poverty, oppression, health care, education and families.
Identical with SO 333.
Prerequisite: SO 111

SW 345 Social Work Practice II
(3 credits - Spring)

Second of a three-course sequence in preparation for generalist social work practice. Content learned in the first practice course is applied specifically to families and groups within a life span development approach. Class provides opportunities for practice group membership and leadership skills. Particular emphasis on issues of diversity in families, group stages and group dynamics.
Prerequisites: SW 325, PY 221 and social work major; or PY 221 and psychology major

SW 363 Social Policy
(3 credits - Spring)

Builds upon basic understanding of the political system, economic theories and social welfare institutions in identifying and analyzing current social welfare policies and programs. Current federal and state proposed legislation is identified and followed. Implications for social work practice are noted.
Prerequisites: SW 333 or concurrent, SW 325 and social work major

SW 391 Intercultural Immersion Preparation/Reflection
(1 credit - Fall)

This course will serve as both a preparation and orientation experience for the Intercultural Immersion Experience as well as a time to reflect upon the experience. Class is coordinated by the Social Work Field Education Director.
Prerequisite: SW 171

SW 395 Intercultural Immersion Experience
(1 to 3 credits - Fall, Spring, Summer)

Field experience in a cross-cultural setting anywhere in the world. Intended to provide direct experience in living and working in an intercultural setting. Individual experiences must be approved by the department.
Students must complete SW 395 prior to formal acceptance into the Social Work Program. Prerequisites: SW 391 and social work major

SW 396 Practicum in Social Work
(1 to 3 credits - Fall, Spring)

Practicum in some aspect of social work designed to give student practical, directed experience.
Prerequisite: Consent

SW 425 Social Work Practice III
(3 credits - Fall)

Final of a three-course sequence in preparation for generalist social work practice. Theoretical concepts, skills, values and ethics are applied to work with communities and organizations. Particular emphasis is placed on community assessment and planning. Students will develop a community resource manual, which includes experiential applications with community social service providers.
Prerequisites: SW 345 and social work major

SW 445 Interview Workshop
(3 credits - Fall)

This course focuses on the interview process used in professional helping relationships. Each student will be involved in class role plays, taped interview sessions with mock clients and simulated job interviews. Interviews will be videotaped and critiqued within the learning context. Professional documentation skills related to these settings will be developed. Personal resume will be completed for professional use.
Prerequisites: SW 345 and social work major

SW 471 Human Behavior and the Social Environment
(3 credits - Fall)

Capstone course in human behavior and the social environment utilizing a bio-psycho-social-spiritual perspective. Theoretical perspectives, cultural diversity, oppression and socialization are revisited as various pervasive issues and topics are investigated, discussed and applied to social work practice. Topics covered are chosen from among the following: lifespan development, violence, substance abuse and addictions, disabilities, gender issues, elders and immigrant populations.
Prerequisites: BI 111/L, PY 211, 215, SW 321, 345 and social work major

SW 495 Internship in Social Work
(2 to 4 credits - Fall, Spring)

A field experience in social work which provides an opportunity for the student to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. Student maintains close cooperation with the supervisory personnel in the field.
Prerequisites: Consent

SW 496 Senior Practicum and Seminar
(12 credits - Spring)

The culminating experience for the social work major in the form of a block field experience in a professional social work setting under the supervision of a field instructor with an MSW or BSW credential. The actual field placement is preceded by a comprehensive evaluation and orientation to the field placement. Professional seminars are held throughout the term. Required hours: 480 hours.
Prerequisite: Completion of all courses required in the social work major

HU's Academic Catalog