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Noble honored with research fellowship

John Noble

HUNTINGTON, Ind. Dr. John Noble has been named the recipient of Huntington University's research fellowship.

Noble, assistant professor of Bible and religion, was recognized with this honor because of his research into the literary and theological significance of the figure of Ishmael in the Abrahamic covenant. The fellowship will allow him to continue his research work this summer at the Harvard University libraries. Noble hopes to publish his work upon completion, and states that it is currently under review by a publisher.

"John is modest about his abilities and accomplishments. His research wrestles with a difficult and important story from the Bible, and his professors at Harvard passed it with distinction quite an achievement and yet you would never know it to talk to John," said Dr. Del Doughty, interim vice president for academic affairs. "He does impressive things without trying to impress. I'm delighted that we at HU will play a part in advancing his work."

Noble joined the HU faculty in fall 2012. He holds Master of Divinity and Master of Arts degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Taylor University. He earned his PhD in near eastern languages and civilizations from Harvard University. His research is a continuation of his dissertation from Harvard.