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HU Visual Arts Department to participate in 10th annual Empty Bowls Project

Zeta Alpha Pi, the Huntington University chapter of Kappa Pi International Honorary Art Fraternity, is hosting its 10th annual Empty Bowls service project on Oct. 3.

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., visual art students, faculty, alumni and friends will be working on the first phase of the project which is to produce 100 clay bowls. Over the next few months, students will glaze and fire the bowls. In the spring semester, they will be donated to the Goshen Clay Guild’s Empty Bowls Soup Supper held in March. Proceeds from the dinner are given to Interfaith Hospitality Network for their ministry helping homeless families in the community. The event is celebrating its 13th year in Elkhart County, and Zeta Alpha Pi has contributed to it for the past five years.

“It connects to Zeta Alpha Pi’s mission to support the arts within Huntington University and the community and promote a deeper appreciation of the arts among the public,” said Rebecca Coffman, professor of art. “It also supports HU’s goal to help students develop their creative talents for a life of God-honoring service to others and for personal fulfillment.”

Huntington University has participated in an Empty Bowls event for the past decade. It is a part of a larger grassroots movement to end hunger. It was started by Imagine Render, a non-profit organization whose mission is to create positive and lasting change through the arts, education and projects that build community.