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Bergler to speak on ‘The Juvenilization of American Christianity’

Dr. Tom Bergler, Huntington University, a Christian collegeHUNTINGTON, Ind. After the recent success of his book, "The Juvenilization of American Christianity," Dr. Tom Bergler will lecture on the spiritual maturity of Christians during at special talk at Huntington University. The lecture will take place at 7 p.m. April 9 in the Zurcher Auditorium of the Merillat Centre for the Arts.

The lecture will analyze many topics covered in Bergler's book.

"Many Americans are not sure they want to grow up. Many Christians are not sure that spiritual maturity is either attainable or desirable," he said. "Congregation members and their leaders can work together with God's help to create a powerful congruence of teaching, modeling and ministry structures that foster an attractive spiritual maturity."

Bergler is a professor of ministry and missions at HU. His book received an Award of Merit from Christianity Today in the Church and Pastoral Leadership category and was named one of "10 Books Every Pastor Should Read" by Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The event is free and open to the public.