
Courses in French

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FR 111 Elementary French I
(3 credits - Fall)

An audio-lingual approach, with practice in pronunciation and conversation and stress on grammar and reading.

FR 121 Elementary French II
(3 credits - Spring)

A continuation of elementary French, with practice in pronunciation and conversation and stress on elements of grammar and reading.
Prerequisite: FR 111

FR 211 Intermediate French I
(3 credits - Offered on Sufficient Demand)

Reading of significant authors, with grammar review, composition and oral practice.
Prerequisite: FR 121

FR 221 Intermediate French II
(3 credits - Offered on Sufficient Demand)

A continuation of intermediate French, with readings of significant authors, grammar, composition and oral practice.
Prerequisite: FR 211

Courses in German

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GM 111 Elementary German I
(3 credits - Fall)

A conversational approach, which integrates elements of grammar with skill development in listening, speaking, reading and writing. German cultural aspects are an integral part of the course.

GM 121 Elementary German II
(3 credits - Spring)

A continuation of elementary German, with practice in pronunciation, conversation, reading and writing.
Prerequisite: GM 111

GM 211 Intermediate German I
(3 credits - Offered on Sufficient Demand)

Grammar review, composition, conversation and selected readings.
Prerequisite: GM 121

GM 221 Intermediate German II
(3 credits - Offered on Sufficient Demand)

A continuation of intermediate German, with grammar review, composition, conversation and selected readings.
Prerequisite: GM 211

Courses in Spanish

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SN 111 Elementary Spanish I
(3 credits - Fall)

An audio-lingual approach with practice in pronunciation and conversation, with stress on elements of grammar and reading.

SN 121 Elementary Spanish II
(3 credits - Spring)

A continuation of elementary Spanish, with practice in pronunciation and conversation and stress on elements of grammar and reading.
Prerequisite: SN 111

SN 211 Intermediate Spanish I
(3 credits - Fall)

Grammar review, composition, conversation and selected readings.
Prerequisite: SN 121

SN 221 Intermediate Spanish II
(3 credits - Spring)

A continuation of intermediate Spanish, with grammar review, composition, conversation and selected readings.
Prerequisite: SN 211

HU's Academic Catalog