Completion Plans and Courses - Arizona

Traditional OTD Completion Plan - Fall Cohort - Arizona

(The decsion was made to change the Traditional OTD Program in Arizona from a Spring Cohort to a Fall Cohort. The Fall Cohort for the Traditional OTD Program in Arizona will begin Fall 2025.)

The three-year program (106 credit hours) completion plan for students starting in the fall semester is as follows:

Fall Year 120 s.h.  
OTDZ 7003Professional Development in Occupational Therapy
OTDZ 7014Occupational Participation and Engagement
OTDZ 7035Applied Kinesiology and Anatomy
OTDZ 7042Professional Ethics and Advocacy in Health and Wellness
OTDZ 7053Pathophysiology Influence on Occupation
OTDZ 7223Qualitative Research Methods
Spring Year 1 17 s.h. 
OTDZ 7104Psychosocial Implications for Occupational Therapy
OTDZ 7115Occupational Performance I: Adult
OTDZ 7123Quantitative Methods
OTDZ 7134Neuroscience
OTDZ 7141Fieldwork I: Psychosocial
Summer Year 110 s.h 
OTDZ 7022Critical Inquiry and Evidence Based Practice
OTDZ 7062Global Outreach and Missions
OTDZ 7212Lifespan Development
OTDZ 7352Occupational Therapy in Education
OTDZ 7382Upper Extremity Function: Integrative Approaches in OT Practice
Fall Year 218 s.h. 
OTDZ 7203Occupational Therapy in Leadership and Management
OTDZ 7304Technology in Occupational Therapy
OTDZ 7315Occupational Performance II: Youth and Children
OTDZ 7322Research Design
OTDZ 7333Capstone Development Seminar
OTDZ 7341Fieldwork I: Youth and Children
Spring Year 218 s.h. 
OTDZ 7403Professional Practice Areas
OTDZ 7415Occupational Performance III: Older Adult
OTDZ 7423Research Data Collection and Analysis
OTDZ 7433Capstone Project Design
OTDZ 7441Fieldwork I: Adult and Older Adult
OTDZ 7453Professional Competency
Summer Year 26 s.h. 
OTDZ 7506Fieldwork II
Fall Year 36 s.h. 
OTDZ 7606Fieldwork II
Spring Year 311 s.h. 
OTDZ 7709Capstone: Experiential Component
OTDZ 7712Professional Readiness in Occupational Therapy


OTD Bridge Completion Plan - Spring Cohort - Arizona

The three-year program (106 credit hours) completion plan for students starting in the spring semester is as follows:

Spring Year 115 s.h.  
OTDZ 7003Professional Development in Occupational Therapy
OTDZ 7014Occupational Participation and Engagement
OTDZ 7035Applied Kinesiology and Anatomy
OTDZ 7223Qualitative Research Methods
Summer Year 1 12 s.h. 
OTDZ 7042Professional Ethics and Advocacy in Health and Wellness
OTDZ 7053Pathophysiology Influence on Occupation
OTDZ 7062Global Outreach and Missions
OTDZ 7123Quantitative Methods
OTDZ 7212Lifespan Development
Fall Year 113 s.h 
OTDZ 7022Critical Inquiry and Evidence Based Practice
OTDZ 7115Occupational Performance I: Adult
OTDZ 7134Neuroscience
OTDZ 7352Occupational Therapy in Education
Spring Year 215 s.h. 
OTDZ 7104Psychosocial Implications for Occupational Therapy
OTDZ 7141Fieldwork I: Psychosocial
OTDZ 7203Occupational Therapy in Leadership and Management
OTDZ 7304Technology in Occupational Therapy
OTDZ 7403Professional Practice Areas
Summer Year 213 s.h. 
OTDZ 7315Occupational Performance II: Youth and Children
OTDZ 7322Research Design
OTDZ 7333Capstone Development Seminar
OTDZ 7341Fieldwork I: Youth and Children
OTDZ 7382Upper Extremity Function: Integrative Approaches in OT Practice
Fall Year 215 s.h. 
OTDZ 7415Occupational Performance III: Older Adult
OTDZ 7423Research Data Collection and Analysis
OTDZ 7433Capstone Project Design
OTDZ 7441Filedwork I: Adult and Older Adult
OTDZ 7453Professional Competency
Spring Year 36 s.h. 
OTDZ 7506Fieldwork II
Summer Year 36 s.h. 
OTDZ 7606Fieldwork II
Fall Year 311 s.h. 
OTDZ 7709Capstone: Experiential Component
OTDZ 7712Professional Readiness in Occupational Therapy