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Alumni Awards

The Alumni Board is accepting nominations for potential recipients of the GOLD Award, Alumnus of the Year Award, and the Distinguished Alumnus Award. If you are aware of deserving individuals whom you would like to nominate for consideration, please complete the online form below.

HU student in the classroom. HU student in the classroom.

Award Descriptions

  • The GOLD (Graduate of the Last Decade) Award is designed to recognize an alumnus who graduated from Huntington University in the last 10 years who has made a significant impact on the world since graduation. This award will not necessarily be made every year and may not be limited to one alumnus per year.
  • The Alumnus of the Year Award is designed to recognize some recent outstanding achievement, recognition, or service. This award will not necessarily be made every year and may not be limited to one alumnus per year.
  • The Distinguished Alumnus Award is designed to recognize distinguished service or achievement over a longer period of time (i.e. recognized like a lifetime achievement award). One alumnus will be selected each year.

View a list of past recipients from 1952 to present.

Submit a Nomination

HU students listening in a lecture. HU students listening in a lecture.

The Alumni Board will make the final selections based upon the following criteria:

  1. The person should be a graduate of Huntington University, or a former student who transferred to another institution for graduation because he/she was pursuing a program of study not offered by Huntington University.
  2. The person should be of high moral character.
  3. The person maintained a connection in Huntington University that is reflected in his/her support in its broadest sense. For example, the person serves on an HU board or committee, attends HU gatherings such as Homecoming, speaks at chapel or in class, partners with HU financially, etc. (financial giving alone should not be the major criterion for measuring interest and support).
  4. The person has made significant contributions to his/her profession and other areas of service in a way that reflects his/her Christian life and brings honor to Huntington University.