Spirit of a Forester Scholarship Competition

Join us on our home campus on Friday, October 18 and 19, 2024 for the Spirit of a Forester Scholarship Competition. This invitation-only competition is for students with a 3.7 or higher GPA.

The Spirit of a Forester Scholarship Competition will take place on Saturday morning and will include an interview and extemporaneous essay competition.

Questions? Email admissions@huntington.edu.

What is a Forester?

A Huntington University Forester… 

  • Chases truth. Because all truth is God’s truth, Foresters relentlessly pursue it. They seek to glorify their Creator, who charged humanity with the care of His Creation, including every tree, stone, and being in His Creation, and to be “ministers of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18) who see Creation’s redemptive potential. (John 8:32) 
  • Defies complacency. Foresters never stop trying to improve themselves or the world around them. Failures will happen, but Foresters will use mistakes as growth opportunities. (Romans 8:28)  
  • Remains curious. College is a fundamental time in education, but a Forester will seek new opportunities to learn long after graduation. (Proverbs 4: 6-7)  
  • Cares completely. Foresters are dedicated to service, caring for others both willingly and joyfully. They also care about forming relationships within the Forester Nation and nurturing new generations of Foresters. As foresters care for plants in every stage of the life cycle, from seedling to mature tree to acorn, so Foresters get involved in others’ growth through prayer, interpersonal relationships, and giving back to the University. (Romans 12:10)  
  • Embraces interconnectedness. In a forest, tree roots intertwine and make the ground stronger. Foresters realize that any pursuit – art, literature, math, science, history, etc. – is stronger in community. For Foresters, that community is an authentic space where hard conversations are welcome, opinions are respected, and brotherly love is genuine. A Forester seeks experiences across disciplines and with others, and that interconnectedness becomes a Forester’s strength. (John 15:5)
  • Has grit. Like a forester in the wood contending with dirt and branches and leaves, a Forester doesn’t back down from making a difference just because it’s going to get messy. Foresters answer the call to serve. (Isaiah 41:10)  
  • Explores creativity. Foresters push the boundaries of their art. Not every Forester wields a paint brush or camera, but all Foresters seek innovations, new perspectives, and inventive solutions that propel their disciplines forward. (Colossians 3:23-24)

Scholarship Opportunities

                                                        These scholarships replace the initial merit scholarships.

ScholarshipAmount Awarded
ForesterFull Tuition
Cedar$25,000 per year
Evergreen $22,000 per year
Spruce$19,000 per year
Pine$16,000 per year
Fir$1,000 per year