Winners named in regional math competition

Huntington, Ind. -- The first semiannual Huntington College High School Mathematics Competition occurred today in the Habecker Dining Commons at Huntington College. Six area high school teams met to compete for individual and team awards for their demonstration of mathematical ability. The teams were comprised of Huntington North High of Huntington, Kokomo Area Schools at Home of Kokomo, Maconaquah High of Bunker Hill, Marion High of Marion, Rochester High of Rochester, and Washington High of South Bend. (Several other teams were unable to attend due to fog delays.)

After three rounds of competition, the title of first place team went to Marion High with a total of 338 points earned. The second place honors for team went to Rochester High with a total of 247 points. Gold medallist for individual scores went to Casey Mast of Huntington North High with a total of 125 points. Kyle Caplinger of Marion High was the silver medallist with a total of 110 points for the individual rounds.

The mathematics competition is made up of three rounds. The first round is a 20 question written exam comprised of questions from algebra through calculus. Students can earn a total of 100 points for the exam. The individual round of the competition is made up of 10 questions. Students are given two minutes to complete each question. Questions answered correctly within the first minute award the student with 10 points while question answered correctly in the second minute receive 5 points. The final round, the team round, provides additional points for the team score. Students are provided with a multi-task problem which is best solved through the cooperative efforts of the team. A total of 20 points was possible for this final round.

The competition is coordinated by Dr. Patrick Eggleton, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Mathematics education majors provide assistance in organizing and implementing the competition. The goal of the competition is to support and encourage the efforts of students seeking to achieve in mathematics. Huntington College plans to provide the competition semiannually. The next competition is scheduled for April 25, 2001. More information regarding the competition is available at