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Visiting Executive Seminar to address demographics

HUNTINGTON, Ind. Huntington University will host a Visiting Executive Seminar on Oct. 24 to discuss the impact of the world's changing demographics.

These seminars, held twice per year, invite business professionals to join students for a discussion on business issues that have a direct personal and economic effect on people's everyday lives. Attendees are invited for breakfast at 8 a.m., followed by the program from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., both in the upper level of Habecker Dining Commons, and concluding with an optional lunch in the lower level of Habecker Dining Commons.

Leading the seminar will be Jim O'Donnell, Executive-in-Residence, emeritus standing, as well as Troy Irick, assistant professor of business.

The event will explore two perspectives on demographics. The grimmer picture is painted by a review of a book by Jonathan Last, senior writer for the conservative Weekly Standard. He wrote, "What to Expect When No One is Expecting," a sobering look at what he calls, "America's coming demographic disaster." The review was written by Bruce Thornton of The Hoover Institute at Stanford, as featured on the political website Real Clear Politics.

The other article was authored by Michael Teitelbaum from Harvard University and Jay Winter from Yale University whose views are expressed in their recent book "The Global Spread of Fertility Decline." Their work does little to refute the evidence of the world's future demographic problems and instead claim people can live better lives today, less constrained by the "risks of marriage and the inconveniences of raising children."

Attendance is free and open to the public, but reservations are required.

RSVP to Linda Schmitz at (260) 359-4042 or at

Myers Funeral Home is serving as a sponsor for this event.