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Foundation breakfast to focus on economy

HUNTINGTON, Ind. Speakers at the Huntington University Foundation breakfast on Oct. 9 will focus on local economic development efforts and the state of the region's economy.

The speakers will be Mark Wickersham, Huntington County Economic Development director, and John Sampson, CEO of the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership.

Wickersham will update breakfast attendees on the local economy. He has spent the last 20 years working as the northeast regional director for the Indiana Development Corporation, working as a community bank commercial lender and serving 15 years with two members of Congress. He participates on multiple boards of directors and committees. Wickersham holds a bachelor's degree in history from HU.

Also at the breakfast, Sampson will speak on the region's economy. He leads the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership's mission to generate business investment in the region through supporting collaborative relationships with stakeholders, facilitating regional communications and expanding all channels of business development. Before coming to the partnership, Sampson worked as the vice president for external affairs for American Electric Power. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering.

In addition to the two speakers, a featured local company will share some exciting news for the Huntington community, Wickersham said.

The Huntington University Foundation hosts a monthly breakfast meeting, open to all who are interested in learning about current community issues and the people and programs of Huntington University.

Usually held on the second Wednesday of each month, the October breakfast will take place in Habecker Dining Commons on Thursday, Oct. 9, at 7:45 a.m. and will conclude by 9 a.m.

Breakfast is $7, but free breakfasts are provided for first-time attendees courtesy of Chris and Janelle Love of Bailey-Love Mortuary.

For more information, contact the Huntington University Foundation at 260-359-4069.
Since 1938, the Huntington University Foundation has assisted Huntington County residents who attend Huntington University through the annual Huntington County Grant and endowed scholarships. Learn more about the foundation's history and ways to support its goals at