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Foundation Breakfast to discuss diversity initiatives at HU

Arthur Wilson 2011
Arthur Wilson
Jesse Brown
Jesse Brown

HUNTINGTON, Ind. Since its inception, the Horizon Leadership Program has helped to greatly increase diversity on Huntington University's campus. On Oct. 9, current and past directors Jesse Brown and Arthur Wilson will discuss the success of the program at the monthly Foundation Breakfast.

The Horizon Leadership Program is a collaborative effort between Huntington University and Youth for Christ with the goal of creating a more racially and ethnically diverse campus. Since fall 2008, more than 20 Horizon scholars have come to the university, including five for the 2013-2014 school year.

Wilson came to the university in 2009 to lead the Horizon Leadership Program. After Wilson became the campus pastor at HU, Jesse Brown, associate dean of student development, took over as the director of the program.

At the breakfast, they will share their passion for developing leaders from all walks of life in order to unleash them for ministry in an increasingly diverse community.

The Foundation Breakfast is open to the public. It will begin at 7:45 a.m. in the Habecker Dining Commons and conclude by 9 a.m. The cost of the breakfast is $7. First-time attendees eat free courtesy of Bailey-Love Mortuary. Reservations are appreciated. RSVP to Barb Baker at 260-359-4069 or

The Foundation's breakfast is held on the second Wednesday of every month during the school year. For more information, contact the Huntington University Foundation at 260-359-4069 or visit

Since 1938, the Huntington University Foundation has assisted Huntington County residents who attend Huntington University through the annual Huntington County Grant and endowed scholarships. This year, the Foundation is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Learn more about the history of the Foundation as well as ways to give to meet its $75,000 giving goal at