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Dr. Fairchild meets with delegates about Turkey

During March, Dr. Mark Fairchild, professor of Bible and religion, flew to Ottawa, Canada, and Washington, D.C., to address various groups such as the American Turkish Association, the Turkish Diplomatic Embassy and the World Affairs Council, and to meet with members of the Turkish Embassies in both Ottawa and Washington. He also predicts more trips in the future.

He delivered three papers titled, "Anatolia in the Ancient World, Turkey in Current Affairs," "Turkey: The Crossroad of Civilizations Ancient and Modern" and "Ageless Turkey: Anatolia's Past and Present." In these presentations, he illustrated the significance of Turkey's glorious past and the numerous ancient civilizations that either emerged in ancient Anatolia or moved there. He highlighted the geographical importance of the Anatolian land as the most important land bridge between the East and the West. Moreover, he emphasized the significance of Turkey today, not only geographically, but also politically as a modern bridge to the Islamic world. Turkey is currently a member of NATO and has good relations with the West.