Rebekah Benjamin
Associate Professor of Psychology and Department Chair
Joined the Huntington University faculty in 2015.
Dr. Rebekah (Becky) Benjamin teaches courses and oversees student research projects in the Psychology Department at Huntington University. She specializes in quantitative research, applied cognition, and development and currently focus her research in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Her specific interests in this field include AI in education, the integration of Christian faith in teaching and learning, student academic reading practices, and flipped learning.
In the classroom, Becky’s primary goal is to help students become lifelong learners with inquisitive minds, individuals who are curious about knowledge and the source of that knowledge. A graduate of a Christian liberal arts university, Becky also sees the value in showing students that a liberal arts education can help them develop a better understanding of the world and the human condition. She wants her students to see that all people are made in the image of God and are worth taking the time to understand.
Originally from Anderson, Indiana, Becky currently lives in Huntington with her husband, Nathan, and their three children. Becky enjoys reading and spending time with her family, and she serves in various ways in her church.
- Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Georgia
- Master of Arts in Educational Psychology from the University of Georgia
- Bachelor of Arts in English from Indiana Wesleyan University
- Psychology professor for three years in Massachusetts
- High school English teacher for two years
- Benjamin, R. (September 27, 2023). Your New TAs: Bard, Bing, and ChatGPT. Huntington, IN: Faculty Professional Development at Huntington University.
- Benjamin, R. G. (2023, July 20). High-tech versus low-tech: Comparing approaches to increase college student reading compliance and engagement. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Benjamin, R. (February 3, 2023). Professional Development Series: AI in Education. Huntington, IN: Faculty Professional Development at Huntington University. (Panelist and Facilitator)
- Cauldwell, A. R. & Benjamin, R. (2022). Face masks and frustration: The effects of a facial covering on human emotional perception. Alethia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship, 7(1), 2-9.
- Benjamin, R. (November 18-20, 2021). Social Annotations vs. Reading Reflections: Does Perusall Improve Pre-class Reading Engagement?. Oxford, OH: The Original Lilly Conference on College Teaching. (National Conference)
- Benjamin, R. (October 25, 2021). Making Disciples at Home: Practices and Problems (co-keynote speaker). Huntington, IN: Idea to Action Symposium. (National Symposium)
- Development and validation of a scale for measuring children’s oral reading fluency
- A mixed-methods study of faith practices in Christian families
- Collaborations with students on student research projects every year, several of which appear in undergraduate research journals
- Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2)
- Developmental Psychology (APA Division 7)
- Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (APA Division 36)