Things You Shouldn’t Wait Until the Last Minute to Do

Eric Andrews
Two female students standing in a residence hall room during move-in surrounded by containers and other belongings Two female students standing in a residence hall room during move-in surrounded by containers and other belongings
Get ready for move-in day and the start of classes

The 2024-2025 academic year is quickly approaching, but there are still a couple of weeks left of summer break. It is important to be well prepared for the academic year, so be sure these things are taken care of ahead of time to allow for the smoothest transition possible.

1. Take your car in for a tune-up

This can be easy to overlook, but it is an important thing to make sure you take care of. Whether you live on campus or commute, if you take your car to campus, having reliable transportation is essential. The last thing you would need when moving back to campus or when commuting for a big test or presentation would be a breakdown. Taking the initiative prior to the academic year to make sure your vehicle is running well will provide you with the peace of mind you need to focus on what matters most.

2. Ensure your technology is working well

Similarly, making sure your technology is working well is another important aspect of being prepared for the academic year. This one in particular stands out to me, as I remember having an issue with my laptop during the academic year that left me without it for a week or so, making my studies more difficult during that time. Checking your device batteries, ensuring your chargers function well, and updating software are a few important things you can do to make sure your technology is ready to go.

3. Make sure you have adequate clothes and shoes

This one seems simple on the surface, but there is a little more to it than you might initially think. Of course, weather in the Midwest is sporadic, with huge shifts in weather conditions possible from day to day. As such, it is a wise idea to have a variety of clothing and footwear options so you can be comfortable regardless of what comes our way. It is also good to have clothing options for various contexts, such as in class, for exercising, and clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting dirty at outdoor events. Another important element of your wardrobe is having professional clothing and footwear for things like presentations and jobs or internships you might have.

4. Coordinate res hall items with your roommate

If you are living on campus, having a living space that makes you feel at home is one of the biggest elements of your college experience. A big part of that is what items you bring to make yourself comfortable and enjoy your time in your home away from home. While smaller things are fine to plan for individually, the more significant items in your residence hall room are best suited to be coordinated with your roommate. Things such as televisions, gaming consoles, mini refrigerators, and furniture like couches could be things you want to discuss with your roommate to ensure you are not unnecessarily doubling up on items that may take up valuable space.

5. Purchase any res hall items and academic supplies you still need

In addition to the big items you might coordinate with your roommate, it is also important to make sure you have the smaller and more logistical things you need for the academic year, both in terms of items for your residence hall room as well as academic supplies. While you might enjoy shopping for these items and academic supplies yourself in person, another great way to do so is through the Huntington University Bookstore’s website. The HU Bookstore’s website has a huge selection of items in a wide variety of categories, including personal items and academic supplies. The best part about ordering from the HU Bookstore is that you do not have to worry about packing the items; you can simply pick them up at the HU Bookstore, for free!

6. Order your textbooks

While you are shopping for those personal items and academic supplies on the HU Bookstore’s website, be sure to order your textbooks as well. The HU Bookstore makes ordering your textbooks extremely easy, as you can simply enter your student ID and it will show you all of the textbooks needed for your courses. You can also search by course if you do not have your student ID handy. The HU Bookstore allows you to rent or purchase your textbooks, and as is the case with all other items available, free in-person pickup takes one thing off your plate. If you have not already, make it a point to get your textbooks ordered early to ensure they are available for you ahead of courses beginning.

The start of the academic year is stressful enough, so taking care of things like the above ahead of time is a good way to start your academic year on the right foot. While it requires more time up front, investing that time will ease your mind and allow you to feel well prepared for the academic year.

Written by
Eric Andrews