T.I.M.E. Management Series – I

Annie Seboe
Part 2 of 4

Welcome back to the T.I.M.E. Management Series! In our last post, we talked about T: Take a Deep Breath. In that article, we talked about the dangers of over-organizing your day with too many time management skills. Instead, identify one part of your day that needs some work and add in one time management skill that works for you, not the other way around.

With T in mind, let’s move on to a time management resource that other students and I have found to be helpful in the pursuit of productivity.

In T.I.M.E. Management, I stands for...

Invest in a Planner

Do you feel like you have too much on your plate? Can you never remember when assignments are due? The solution: invest in a planner or calendar!

Whether you use a physical planner or a digital reminder app, a planner helps you outline when you have homework, exams, and meetings. While some find it stressful to write out when everything is due, most planners only show one week at a time so that you aren’t too overwhelmed with your priorities.

Having a planner and keeping a calendar on my phone has increased my productivity and makes me feel more confident about my schedule. I write out my assignments in black ink and then highlight them when I have turned them in, and I feel accomplished when I see my week in color! But don’t just take my word for it about the benefits of using a planner. Chemistry graduate Emily Seboe weighs in on the importance of having a system for organization:

“I use my planner by writing the assignments that are due each day. Then, for the weekend, I make a list of what I need to accomplish for the next week. Using a planner has helped me be less stressed because it’s all written out — I don’t have to worry about missing assignments. I know how much work I have to do, and I can plan my time accordingly.”

Don’t know where to start? Reach out to HU’s Office of Student Success! They can help you find the planner and scheduling technique that works for you.

T is for Take a Deep Breath, and I is for Invest in a Planner. Get ready for the next post in the T.I.M.E. Management Series — M is for Make Room!

Written by
Annie Seboe