Head Coverings and Wide-Brimmed Hats

Annie Seboe
A student experience

Taught by Dr. Kevin Miller, Intercultural Communications is a course designed to push students out of their comfort zones and educate them on how to respectfully and effectively communicate. But why just read about how to communicate with cultures when there are so many opportunities in the Huntington and Fort Wayne area to experience them? Through taking Intercultural Communications, I was exposed to several religions and people groups, and these experiences helped me become more compassionate to those who are different than me.

For me, the most impactful experience within Dr. Miller’s course was a visit to a United in Christ Brethren Anabaptist church. People who identify as Anabaptist, as Dr. Miller does, are typically more traditional and conservative in their way of life and religious practices. So, as I entered the church, which resembled a one-room schoolhouse, I quickly realized I stuck out like a sore thumb in my black dress pants and sweater. The women were wearing modest dresses and head coverings, while the men wore dark suits, wide-brimmed hats, and beards (if they were married). As I scanned the meeting room, I saw long wooden benches on each side of the room, separated for men and women. Along with the plain white walls with only hat hooks as decoration, I knew this experience would stretch me out of my comfort zone.

As I nervously tried to find a seat, a woman came up to me and introduced herself: “I’m Tammy. You must be new here!” This lighthearted manner of welcoming me eased some of my worries, and I soon witnessed the care this culture has for one another and for other people. As the service progressed, Tammy shared her hymnal book with me so that I would know which hymns to sing, and when certain events would happen in the service, she would tell me what was happening and what to do next. Witnessing her compassion for a total stranger taught me that even though there are numerous differences in our world, we all share a common need to show and receive kindness.

If you are interested in learning how to communicate well with other cultures and religions to leave a positive impact, the Department of Communication at HU is for you! To learn more about communication majors, such as public relations, journalism, or communication studies, visit the Department of Communication’s home page.

Written by
Annie Seboe