Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Eric Andrews
Male and female Huntington University students stand in a line during the Hoedown on the campus of Huntington University. They are dancing as the sun sets. Most of them are looking at their feet to make sure they are getting the steps correct. Male and female Huntington University students stand in a line during the Hoedown on the campus of Huntington University. They are dancing as the sun sets. Most of them are looking at their feet to make sure they are getting the steps correct.
Embrace the new opportunities that come your way

The calendar has flipped to September, and with it we now have a couple weeks of the academic year under our belts. Hopefully for most of you, that has been enough time to gain your footing and feel like the water stream from the proverbial fire hose we talked about last week has slowed down a bit.

Perhaps you feel like you are thriving, or perhaps just surviving. This likely looks different for everyone, especially with how far along in your college journey you are. Returning students have the advantage of prior experience to draw from, having an idea of what to expect in terms of social and academic commitments. Freshmen and new students likely do not have that same luxury, meaning the adjustment to the academic year and college life as a whole could take a bit longer if you are not feeling adjusted quite yet.

Regardless of where you are in your journey or in your adjustment, it is important to not settle once you begin feeling comfortable. Doing so limits the ceiling of what you can get out of your college experience. How do you avoid doing so? Going beyond your comfort zone.

Maybe you are not quite ready to do that, and that’s okay. Maybe you’re more of an introverted person and your adjustment curve takes a bit longer. Maybe the idea of an expanded social experience scares you. Maybe being in a new environment elongates your adjustment period. Maybe you have been surprised by the workload of your new classes. All of those things are perfectly legitimate feelings. You are not alone in them, and taking more time to find your footing is your next step. If any of those describe you, being aware of the concept of going beyond your comfort zone is still important and gives you something to work toward once you are ready.

If you are ready to take that next step to get the most of your college experience, take the plunge! Keep pushing yourself in the things you are already doing. Explore new opportunities to further develop yourself personally, relationally, spiritually, and vocationally. Try new things you had not considered previously. Make it a point to meet and spend time with new people. Get involved with campus events and groups. Embrace and lean into the opportunity you have to do life alongside your peers. The list of possibilities in these areas is seemingly endless, and oftentimes these possibilities will present themselves to you, whether you are seeking them out or not, which is part of the beauty of the college experience.

Having an open mindset when it comes to growth opportunities and being willing to act upon them is one of the most valuable things you can do during your college years. You never know which opportunities could impact your future, whether personally, relationally, spiritually, or vocationally. College provides an excellent opportunity to grow in these areas, and being willing to go beyond your comfort zone very well could unlock the future that God is calling you to!

Pictured: HU students practice their line dancing at the Hoedown in 2023.

Written by
Eric Andrews