9 Questions to Ask on Your Next College Visit

Adrianna Town

A college brochure can tell you many important things, but there’s nothing quite like seeing campus for yourself. College visits help you figure out if the college on your list is the place you want to spend the next few years.

So how can you make the most of a college visit? One way is by coming prepared with a list of key questions to ask. Question like these.  

  1. What do you do to help new students adjust to college life?
    Moving from high school to college (or transferring from one college to another) is a big academic and social change. Schools often have programs to help you navigate the change.
  2. When do I have to declare my major?
    Declaring your major at the right time will be important if you want to graduate on schedule!
  3. Where do students spend their time outside of class?
    A college campus isn’t just a place where you study. It’s a place where you live.
  4. Which residence hall is a student favorite, and why?
    Colleges often introduce you to residence life on your campus tour, but asking this question will take the conversation deeper.
  5. What dining and meal plan options are there on campus? What is the food like?
    Okay, so this is technically two questions. But this is food we’re talking about! You should know where and what you can expect to eat.
  6. How easy is it to get around campus?
    If you’re going to spend the next few years walking, biking, or skateboarding around campus, you’ll want to be prepared.
  7. What safety precautions are in place?
    Feeling safe is crucial to your ability to learn and grow as a college student.
  8. What’s the surrounding area like?
    Some college campuses have great walking paths close by, while others might require public or private transportation to get around.
  9. Will I have time to hold a part-time job while being a full-time student?
    If you are interested in an on- or off-campus job, this is a great question to ask. This question is also a way to ask how much time you’ll likely spend studying.

As you listen to the answers to these questions, keep these additional tips in mind:  

  • You don’t have to take notes like you’re studying for an exam, but write down a few important thoughts from each visit so that you can compare schools later  
  • Observe the students and staff around you: Are they friendly? Do they make you feel welcome? Do they believe what they’re saying?
  • Pay attention to how students are spending their time when they aren’t in class — academics are important, but so is a balanced extracurricular and social life
Written by
Adrianna Town