The Core Curriculum
The Huntington University Core Curriculum challenges students to integrate knowledge, values and skills into a coherent worldview that equips them for a life of faithfulness to God through service in the world. Particular emphasis is placed on critical thinking and communication skills that foster lifelong learning and the ability to apply newly acquired knowledge to practical problems from a Christian perspective. As an integrated program in the liberal arts, the core courses are the foundation of the Huntington educational experience upon which a student’s major builds to develop specific knowledge and skills for professional life.
Students are expected to achieve six learning outcomes, of which there are two types. The first three outcomes (faith integration, critical thinking, and communication) are set as objectives for every course. We refer to these as the foundational learning outcomes. Beyond being present in every core course, the foundational outcomes are also incorporated into every program's learning outcomes, linking the core to students' majors. The core also includes three specialized outcomes (multicultural thinking, empirical thinking, and creative expression), which are not set as objectives for every core course, nor are they necessarily a part of every program's learning outcomes. However, they are present in several courses within the core and are no less important than the foundational outcomes, playing a crucial role in the holistic development of Huntington students.
Core Curriculum Learning Outcomes
The foundational learning outcomes are:
- Faith Integration: Analyze subject matter from the perspective of Christianity;
- Critical Thinking: Analyze topics clearly and rationally, relating them to goal-directed outcomes;
- Communication: Communicate effectively and clearly through writing, speech, and other mediums.
The specialized learning outcomes are:
- Multicultural Thinking: Exhibit awareness and understanding of one's own and other cultures;
- Empirical Thinking: Gather, analyze, and draw conclusions with empirical information;
- Creative Expression: Take ideas, images, and other media and combine them in original and illuminating ways.
Core Curriculum Requirements
The core program consists of a minimum total of 61 hours for the bachelor of arts degree and 49 hours for the bachelor of fine arts, bachelor of music, bachelor of science, bachelor of science in nursing, bachelor of science in occupational therapy assistant, and bachelor of social work degrees (the difference being the 12 hours in the foreign language requirement for the bachelor of arts degree).
Foundational Courses
All courses in the core curriculum address the outcomes of faith integration, critical thinking, and communication, but certain courses are especially significant in students' development towards these outcomes.
Faith Integration
Bible (choose 3 hours)
BT 111 Biblical History and Literature | 3 hours |
BT 231 Old Testament Introduction I | 3 hours |
BT 251 New Testament Introduction I | 3 hours |
(BT 231 or 251 must be selected by Bible and theology majors)
Christian Faith (3 hours)
MI 285 Understanding the Christian Faith | 3 hours |
Religious Perspectives (choose 3 hours)
BT 311 Topics in Biblical Studies | 3 hours |
BT 331 Religions of the World | 3 hours |
BT 333 Topics in Theological Studies | 3 hours |
BT 341 History of Christianity | 3 hours |
BT/PL 440 Religion of Scientific Thought | 3 hours |
BT/PL 460 Philosophy of Religion | 3 hours |
Other approved non-introductory BT course | 3 hours |
Critical Thinking
Philosophy (choose 3 hours)
PL 220 Introduction to Philosophy | 3 hours |
PL 260 Ethics | 3 hours |
Communication Skills (6 hours)
EN 121 Academic Writing and Research | 3 hours |
(Students must enroll in EN121 every semester until they have earned credit for EN121)
CO 215 Public Speaking | 3 hours |
Specialized Courses
Skills in faith integration, critical thinking, and communication are further developed in a variety of liberal arts disciplines as students complete the 31 credit hours below. The courses below also contribute to one of the specialized learning outcomes of the core curriculum.
Multicultural Thinking
Beyond addressing the foundational outcomes, the following develop multicultural thinking from historical and literary perspectives, respectively:
History (6 hours)
HS 115 Historical Perspectives on Culture & Civilization I | 3 hours |
HS 116 Historical Perspectives on Culture & Civilization II | 3 hours |
Literature (3 hours)
EN 141 Foundations of Writing & Reading | 3 hours |
Empirical Thinking
Beyond addressing the foundational outcomes, the following courses develop empirical thinking from quantitative, scientific, social and embodied perspectives, respectively:
Mathematical Science (choose at least 3 hours)
CS 111 Introduction to Computer Science | 3 hours |
MA 115 Mathematics for Society and the Liberal Arts | 3 hours |
MA 151 Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 3 hours |
MA 171 Calculus I | 4 hours |
(Other mathematic courses may be taken if required in major, such as MA 111-112 for elementary education majors; a minimum math competency must be demonstrated before enrolling in mathematic courses)
Natural Science (choose 8 hours)
BI 111/L Biology in the Modern World | 4 hours |
CH 111/L Chemistry and Contemporary Society | 4 hours |
PH 111/L Physics and the Modern World | 4 hours |
(BI 161/l-222/L-241/L or CH 161/L-162/L or PH 211/L-212/L may be taken if required in major; CH 141/L may be taken in place of CH 111/L)
Social Science (choose 6 hours)
EB 211 Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 hours |
PS 111 Public Policy | 3 hours |
PY 111 Introduction to Psychology | 3 hours |
SO 111 Principles of Sociology | 3 hours |
SO 141 Cultural Anthropology | 3 hours |
(SO 141 may not be taken by sociology majors to fulfill the social science core requirement)
Wellness (2 hours)
EX 101 Wellness for Life | 2 hours |
Creative Expression
Beyond addressing the foundational outcomes the following courses develop the capacity for creative expression:
Artistic Appreciation (choose 2 hours)
AR 115 Introduction to Art | 2 hours |
DM 115 Introduction to Digital Media Arts | 2 hours |
MU 115 Introduction to Music | 2 hours |
TH 115 Introduction to Theatre | 2 hours |
Creative Studio Arts (select one course)
Creative studio arts courses must be taken for a letter grade (unless the course permits only S/U). For some courses, students must audition, demonstrate competency or show prerequisite coursework. Some advanced courses that require one or more courses as prerequisites are not listed but may be counted toward the requirement by petition to the Academic Concerns Committee.
AR 101 Drawing for Non-Majors | 3 hours |
AR 107 Photography for Non-Majors | 3 hours |
AR 276 Ceramics I | 3 hours |
MI395JN Joyful Noise Practicum | 1 hour |
MU A01-04 Class Piano I, II, III or IV | 1 hour |
MU A06 Class Voice I | 1 hour |
MU A08 Class Guitar I | 1 hour |
MU A10-49 Applied Instrument and Voice | 1-2 hours |
MU P12 Concert Choir | 1 hour |
MU P20 Symphonic Band | 1 hour |
MU P21 Chamber Orchestra | 1 hour |
MU P22 Jazz Improvisation | 1 hour |
MU P30 Opera/Musical Theatre Workshop | 1 hour |
TH 101 Fundamentals of Tap | 1 hour |
TH 212 Principles of Acting I | 3 hours |
TH 221 Stage Construction | 3 hours |
TH 222 Stage Lighting | 3 hours |
TH 223 Costume Construction | 3 hours |
TH 224 Theatrical and Special Effects Makeup | 3 hours |
TH 231 Scene Painting | 2 hours |
TH 331MT Musical Theatre Dance | 3 hours |
TH 336 Christianity and the Performing Arts | 3 hours |
TH 365 Techniques of Musical Theatre | 2 hours |
TH 391 Play Production: Technical | 1 hour |
TH 392 Play Production: Acting | 1 hour |
TH P30 Opera/Musical Theatre Workshop | 1 hour |
Bachelor of Arts
Students pursuing a bachelor of arts complete an additional twelve credit hours in cultural enrichments to further strengthen their multicultural thinking. They are intended to broaden one’s cultural understanding of another people’s concepts of life and human relationships. No courses may be counted that are part of the student’s major or the Core Curriculum.
Cultural Enrichment Courses
AR 371 Art History I | 3 hours |
AR 373 Art and Archaeology of Angkor | 3 hours |
AR 381 Art History II | 3 hours |
BT 331 Religions of the World | 3 hours |
BT 333CCT Contemporary Christian Theology | 3 hours |
GR 111 Elementary Greek I | 3 hours |
GR 121 Elementary Greek II | 3 hours |
EB 421 Population Studies | 3 hours |
EN 374 Monsters, Freaks, and Geeks | 3 hours |
EN 375 What's Love Got to Do With It? | 3 hours |
HS 261 The British Empire | 3 hours |
HS 346 Cambodia: Revolution and Genocide | 3 hours |
HS 351 Diplomacy: Napoleon to Stalin | 3 hours |
HS 373 Art and Archaeology of Angkor | 3 hours |
HS 456 America and Vietnam | 3 hours |
MI 233CO Contextualization | 2 hours |
MI 321 Intercultural Communication | 3 hours |
MI 365 History and Theology of Missions | 3 hours |
MU 241 English/German Diction and Literature | 2 hours |
MU 242 Latin/Italian/French Diction and Literature | 2 hours |
MU 341 Music History and Literature I | 3 hours |
MU 342 Music History and Literature II | 3 hours |
PS 171 Development and Sustainability | 3 hours |
PS 346 Cambodia: Revolution and Genocide | 3 hours |
PS 351 Diplomacy: Napoleon to Stalin | 3 hours |
PS 373 Art and Archaeology of Angkor | 3 hours |
PS 456 America and Vietnam | 3 hours |
SO 141 Cultural Anthropology | 3 hours |
SO 421 Population Studies | 3 hours |
SO 485 Sociological Theory | 3 hours |
TH 111 Intro to Stagecraft | 3 hours |
TH 311 History and Literature of the Theatre I | 3 hours |
TH 312 History and Literature of the Theatre II | 3 hours |
International Cross-Cultural Experiences
Students traveling outside North America (not with a university-sponsored group), who anticipate experiences that will give the student significant exposure to the culture or history of a non-North American society, may propose a self-directed overseas course that has as its objective either cross-cultural historical study or missions service. Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty oversight committee and must include significant study and preparation for the cultures to be encountered, an outline of planned activities that are expected to cover several weeks and substantial documentation of the experience. Further details and a proposal form may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.
ID 395 Cross-Cultural Practicum | 1-2 hours |