Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Students of any major may choose to complete a certificate or minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Graduates with a bachelor’s degree and a TESOL certificate or minor are qualified to teach English in many other countries, as well as in community and church-based programs in the United States.
Students who choose to receive a certificate in TESOL must complete TE 233, 234, 235, 396 and CO 322/MI 321. Students who complete the requirements of the certificate in TESOL will be awarded a TESOL certificate issued by the Institute for TESOL Studies.
Students who choose to receive a minor in TESOL must complete TE 233, 234, 235, 336, 396, CO 322/MI 321 and four hours of directed electives from the following courses: BT 331, EN 455, MI 233CO, 233LA, 233RS, 365, or foreign language courses.
Any education major may add an additional certification in teaching English Learners (ELs) to their teacher’s license. The certification in teaching ELs will equip graduates to work more effectively with ELs in their classrooms or to work in specialized EL programs in a P-12 setting. The certification in teaching ELs is a teacher licensing program that is only available for teacher education majors. Currently licensed teachers may also add the certification in teaching ELs to their existing license. To receive certification in teaching ELs, students must complete TE 233, 234, 235, 396, and CO 322/MI 321.
A grade of C- or higher is required for all courses in the TESOL program.
Students may also choose to complete a certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). This certificate is issued by the Institute for TESOL Studies and is for anyone who wants to work with English language learners overseas in a non-native English speaking country. To receive a certificate in TEFL, students must complete TE 499 (for credit) or TEFL (for non-credit). The TEFL certificate course is only offered during the summer and may not fulfill requirements in the TESOL certificate or minor.
For more information, contact the Institute for TESOL Studies or visit the website: www.huntington.edu/tesol.
Courses in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Students will be introduced to major issues related to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Students will examine the process of second language acquisition, acquire instructional skills for teaching ELs (English learners) and explore resources and opportunities.
This course will prepare students to teach aural and oral English language communication. Driven by pragmatics and grounded in the Communicative Approach, this instructional methods course will prepare students with lesson planning strategies, specific language learning activities for the classroom and access to instructional resources for the EL instructor.
Prerequisite: TE 233
This course will focus on specific pedagogical issues related to teaching ELs reading and writing. Students will learn different approaches to teaching writing, compare and contrast native English speaking composition with EL writing, explore the connection between reading and writing, learn specific teaching strategies for classroom implementation and understand techniques for assessment and responding to EL student writing.
Prerequisite: TE 233
Practicum in some aspect of TESOL designed to give student practical, directed experience.
Prerequisite: Consent
This course will prepare future EL instructors to design a student-centered English language program. The course will define what a language curriculum is, as well as provide examples of language programs. Students will learn a systematic approach to curriculum development, including conducting a needs analysis, setting goals and objectives, designing tests, selecting materials, teaching the materials and program evaluation.
Prerequisites: TE 233, 234, 235
Students will participate in an 120-hour practicum teaching and working with EL students either in a self-contained EL setting or in an instructional capacity in a regular classroom. Students participating in the TESOL practicum in China will have the additional experience of social and cultural immersion.
TE 396 is for those pursuing the TESOL certificate or minor.
Prerequisites: TE 233, 234, and 235
Practicum in some aspect of TESOL designed to give student practical, directed experience.
Prerequisite: Consent
An individualized study of a problem, a research paper or a project related to the TESOL field.
Prerequisite: Consent
A field experience in TESOL which provides an opportunity for the student to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. Student maintains close cooperation with the supervisory personnel in the field.
Prerequisite: Consent
This certification course will introduce students to the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, explore factors that impact learning languages, examine best teaching practices and principles, and develop instructional skills to prepare teachers for language learning settings.
This certification course is graded using the letter grade system (A-F) and may not be used to fulfill requirements in the TESOL certification or minor.
This certification course will introduce students to the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, explore factors that impact learning languages, examine best teaching practices and principles, and develop instructional skills to prepare teachers for language learning settings.
This certification course is a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, non-credit course and may not fulfill requirements in the TESOL certification or minor.